Next stop was to be basketball…wow! Time has really
flown! (It ended 3 months ago and we have already played soccer for spring and now into swimming!!)!! It was wonderful…the season was full of
learning and fun! It’s awesome when those 2 things coincide!! Morgan acquired more skills on the court. He
was extremely impressive this season and I loved watching him every minute…I
look back at that day of his diagnosis and marvel at the wonderful young man he
is becoming. From fear to this, is truly unreal!! The confidence that exudes and pours out of
his incredibly strong, svelte body is such an enormous gift from our
Lord…Jiminy Christmas, I get to be his mother!! I am so unworthy, but at the
same time so unbelievably grateful!!! Then, there is Michael…the child who knew
NOTHING about basketball, couldn’t dribble, couldn’t pass, and couldn’t catch a
pass without dropping the ball and shaking his hands off, and maybe shed a tear
or 20…how he soared learning this game this season!! It’s honestly too much for words…he smiles no
matter the score, they didn’t win a game…BUT they all learned so much about the
game, and sportsmanship and being Christ-like, which is the whole point of
Michael got the LEADER OF THE PACK AWARD for his
class for the 2nd quarter!!!! Classmates vote on the student who has
displayed leadership skills. Each child from each class and grade receives a
certificate and a medal as they line up on the stage in the cafatorium. He was
so precious, very nervous sitting, waiting for them to call his name. He was so funny, got his loot and started
heading off the stage. They had to stop him so he could line up with the other
4th graders. Matt was taking pictures, but saw an Asian grandfather looking and STARING at Michael as he was
on the stage with the other children. Matt said his eyes were about to bug out
of his head trying to figure out, what the “deal ” was with this extremely
short 4th grader …Too funny because we
think maybe he thought he was younger just promoted because he was so smart!!
You know that is what most people think about that “they” are all smart!! This event was especially special since each of the other boys had received this award last school year and I had included a picture of each one with their certificate and medal!
was stopped a few months ago by a lady we do not know well…she told him,
“Thank you for your family. I know I can do it.” She went on to explain that
she was getting ready to foster her nephew…she didn’t think she could, but
knows now that it is not about her, it is about serving Him, about letting
herself go and letting Him work through her…again, I always feel funny about
saying anything that may come out differently. We are NOT wonderful people, we
are JUST HIS CHILDREN!! I think I have
said there have been some unflattering moments, unseen by others, but I am
hopeful and prayerful that I learn from my mistakes…Michael knows that is what
the end result of a mistake is…when, bless his heart, he and his brothers were
writing sentences several weeks ago, I asked after they were done…did you learn
something? Yes, was the answer, at least by Morgan and Michael, just kidding,
Maddox learned too, but it really has to seep into him!! Whenever Michael makes a mistake and he tells
whomever, he is sorry or whatever the circumstance is (after he has stewed a
good long while), I ask him that question…I always tell him I love him, I am
not mad at him, and I want him to know that I will ALWAYS love him no matter
what, just like his brothers, but Jesus will always love him even more than me
and his daddy…He knows mommy makes mistakes too, probably more often than any
of them…It is reassuring to know that no matter what any of us do, we are
forgiven if we ask for that from our Heavenly Father. God knows we need His
forgiveness and grace!
Bowling for Maddox’s birthday! What a trip!
We went down to the alleys in St. Augustine, just the 6 of us, and my
daddy and Betty Lou joined us and watched a few frames. They had a great family deal, and the limit
was 6 people, perfect for us! Real bowling is WAY different from the WII!! Poor
Maddox, his birthday and he couldn’t catch a spare or strike. When we first got
the Wii, he was the best, and I think he was about 3 or 4 years old! My baby
turned 8! How can that be?? 5 weeks in the NICU upon his arrival…what a scary
time! At one point the doctor wasn’t
sure how he would do, couldn’t digest anything, they thought maybe surgery…I
sobbed buckets of tears and prayed that God would spare our 3rd
little baby boy…I heard ‘wimpy white boys” in my sleep…that’s what they always
said in our child birthing classes when I was pregnant with Mason…we never knew
until our babies were born what sex they were…we had always said, we don’t want
to know until they are born, we also didn’t want to know about any “issues”
they might have…why? I know lots of people want to know so they can be
prepared…my feeling, that just gives me more worry time, and nothing would be
different anyway. God gave us all our “gifts” when and how He wanted to…His
choice, our blessings, no matter how difficult it is at times!
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Painting anyone? I admit it!!!
I have an illness! I LOVE FRESH PAINT!!
Our home will NEVER fall down because of all the paint on the
walls! I had painted Michael’s room
before he came home, and also had painted Mason’s NEW room (he took over the
playroom and has his own bathroom – note to self, I wouldn’t do that again at
this age!!) Too much, too soon! Oh
goodness, I did not mean to go in this direction, but I don’t think I can stop
now…When trying to figure out things before I left for China, we decided to
have each boy have their own room, they already did, but just one shift…In
hindsight I wish we had some sharing going on…we just didn’t know what to do,
and made the best decision we could at the time…homestudy says the new child
should have their own room if possible, it was possible and that is what we
did…sometimes, “these” kids NEED to share a room as they have never been
alone!! Michael has done great, although he does enjoy the “sleepovers” they
have on the weekends with each other and might like it every night…the problem
is we didn’t know who would share with whom (I can never get who and whom
correct!!) so this is how it came to be no one sharing…other countries I
believe feel sorry for our culture, so much separateness…why would you WANT to
be alone?? God created Eve from Adam’s rib so he wouldn’t be alone…we are not
meant to be alone EVER! When we are in a
room, alone, are we truly alone? NO, because God is with you wherever you go!! Oh my goodness, I am so thankful for this!!
Back to painting, I painted Morgan and Maddox’s
rooms in 2 days…It is so therapeutic! I go into a different world, crank up my
music and sing, not well, but who cares, God appreciates my joyful NOISE! Boy
howdy that is something I wish I could do well...not happening, but this is ok…
Field Trip time…the 4th grade went to
Castillo de San Marco in St. Augustine…I love going on field trips. I love to
see things through my boys’ eyes, and listen to the questions they have…It was
a perfect weather day, and I took lots of great pictures. The last time I went
on this field trip they had the cannon demonstration. Not this time, so there
was a different tour…I saw things this time that I hadn’t last time, and also
looked at things differently…for example, the sleeping quarters for the
soldiers…dear Lord, the “mattress” was stuffed with hay, thin, and laid on a
bed frame that was made of wood…when I stared at these “beds” I felt I was back
in China looking at Michael’s bed…it was no better than what these soldiers
slept on over 500 years ago!
It broke my heart and I rejoiced at the same time…so sad for where he had been and so grateful for where he is now…he, at this point, is completely unaware of what his life would have been like in China, had a family not chosen him…I don’t know when he became “paper ready.” I assume it was in November of 2007, which is the first report I received written about him…so that is almost 5 years before we went to get him!!! He did not know that once he turned 14 he would lose the option of being adopted…14!!
It broke my heart and I rejoiced at the same time…so sad for where he had been and so grateful for where he is now…he, at this point, is completely unaware of what his life would have been like in China, had a family not chosen him…I don’t know when he became “paper ready.” I assume it was in November of 2007, which is the first report I received written about him…so that is almost 5 years before we went to get him!!! He did not know that once he turned 14 he would lose the option of being adopted…14!!
The idea of a child being turned out at 14 is
unfathomable, but it happens...It doesn’t happen to all children.
Some are trained to do a trade and sent to work, some end up working in the
orphanage, but others end up being ‘sent’ out with a bleak future, no means of
survival, living on the street, being a
sex slave, abused, tortured, and then possibly just be dead…I cannot imagine
that fate for my son. All because he is LITTLE!!! Big deal!! So he is little,
and he is REALLY little, but he has a HUGE HEART and an INCREDIBLE MIND and he
is going to do BIG THINGS IN HIS LIFE!!! I can’t wait to see what he does!! He
also wants to know all about Jesus!! Does it get better than that???
Valentine’s Day rolled around and of course this is
not something that Michael had
experienced in China…When I was growing up, all we did was exchange a little
card, and that was it…these days, just like everything else, it has become more
grandiose! I struggle to not buy into that, really try not to…when we FINALLY had Mason,
things were much more extreme than they are now…I look back at things we did
with him and laugh hysterically, what were we thinking?? It’s not that we want to deprive our
children, but we do not want them to EXPECT everything to be handed out and be
ENTITLED!! I think they do have an
appreciation for things because we don’t just go wherever, whenever. Oops! Back
to the Valentine’s... I had bought some candy and decided we would just cut out
some hearts with construction paper, the boys were totally fine with it and
enjoyed signing their cards and attaching the small treat to it…we had them
cover shoe boxes for their “collection box.” Do over…I confess, I did let that
get to me…I could not let Michael take his box as it was…I tried, but couldn’t
do it…He did not inherit too many artistic genes, (NOT THAT I DID!!), but I was
afraid that he would be made fun of…I went into momma bear mode about it…He has
really only had a couple of incidences at school, and most everyone in his
class has been WONDERFUL to him. Their exchange at school was done on the 14th
and that was that. Not a big deal…some of the new things that Michael has
experienced here have been a huge deal, some have not, this day was one of
those, not so big. He did make me a
the best mom I NEVER had! I know he meant EVER, but this will be as good as it get since I will be his MOM FOREVER! |
Soccer!!! I didn’t get a week in between basketball
and soccer…basketball ended on a Saturday and soccer started on Tuesday…could a
momma just get one week in between???
That answer is no! I love to
watch them on the field and I love that I get to see one of my friends that I
only see during soccer season. She is one of the best moms I know! Six children (5 boys, 1 girl), and all so incredibly kind and
loving and have a heart for Christ! Each and every one of them has love pouring
out of them…I am always asking her for advice since she has older ones as well…
Morgan’s first game…he had something like 11 saves
in the goal! Awesome!! I love to see the 2 of them play and face the
’big’ kids and not back down…Michael has come such a long way since the beginning
of last season…He is still ‘fragile,’ but not as much as before.. His body has
toughened up, more work to be done, but all in good time…We are making up for
so much lost time on his physical body, and I have no doubts he will get where
he needs to be. We missed the first half of the time that a child would
normally spend at home before going off to college!!Makes me sad, but again
grateful that we have him in our lives AT ALL!! I can only imagine how
intimidating it is to have entered our house…remember, Michael wasn’t outside
much and was ‘posed’ on a swing as part of the ‘marketing’ to find him a
family…his skin was not much darker than mine when we ‘got’ him last
June…Hypotonic muscles are typical for people with Achondroplasia, but his were
much worse, their arms never straighten, but his are overly bent due to lack of
activity and stretching…Morgan’s are ALMOST straight, more so than any other
children with Achondroplasia that I have seen…Michael has gained so much
strength and I love it when he flexes his muscles and tells me to look at them!
So precious…He has also grown in his mind…
During Lent, we watched the Bible series on the
History channel. The boys were dragging the following Monday mornings, but we
felt it was important for them to see…No tivo or on-demand cable, so we had to
watch when it was on. We knew they were repeating it, but didn’t know when and
didn’t want to miss it. The first night we were piled in the family room and
Matt had run upstairs for something. I yelled up the stairs to him, ‘I think
this might be a little too violent!!” He
said, ‘It’s the Bible, it IS violent.” Enough said, we would get through it and
have shut eyes if necessary during parts. Maddox had a difficult time with some
scenes but no nightmares occurred, Thank you Jesus! Morgan, our Bible scholar,
would begin to tell us what was coming up since he knows more of the stories
than anyone else except for Matt, including me…Michael was glued, with many
questions, and very intense. The child GETS IT! He knows it, it is in his
core!! I knew it was when I saw the video of him over 2 years ago. I knew he
had a heart for Christ, he just didn’t know it yet…When he watched Mary crying
as her son was being tortured and crucified he asked, “Mommy, if I Jesus and
you my mom, are you crying?” Of course I was bawling, and told him yes I would
be…I cannot think of Jesus and the torture He endured without thinking of His
mother, and imagining being her…What a job she was given…I would not be worthy
of such a job…but my Lord must see something in me to have given me the job to
raise these boys with such an incredible man.
Again, I feel so unworthy, but pray they continue to have faith and grow
in love with Christ.
My birthday came around again, and for that I am thankful for each one I get, and this one I got to celebrate with my five boys!! Where is my picture???I did manage a dinner out with my sweet man, and a concert..."America." They have been touring almost as long as I have been alive! I did not realize that but we had a great time that night!!
Holy Week was very special. Our Palm Sunday service
was altered since we had a threat of storms, so our procession did not come
from the outside in, but it was still very moving…Maundy Thursday service, the
foot washing, divesting of the altar…it’s really too much for words…The boys
were in the pew trying to figure out whose feet they would be washing…so I was
the first to go, and Mary Lane was who washed mine…MaryLane is in her 80s. She
had a car wreck last year and ended up with some broken ribs, hip and arm…She
was banged up pretty good. She had surgery. She is able to walk without a cane
now!! She knelt down on one knee in front of me…started washing my feet, and of
course I couldn’t contain my tears and emotion…I sobbed…she reminds me SO MUCH
of my Wa-Wa, my mom’s mom, who died when I was 12…When we lived in the same
city as Wa-Wa, we would take turns spending the night with her…she had her “program”
(soap opera) that she would watch, and we slept on a rollaway bed in her guest
room. She ate little sandwiches on the thin Pepperidge Farm bread, and has the
Piroette and Milano cookies. I can’t see those in the grocery store and not
think of her and smile…What a sweet grandmother! Anyway, MaryLane getting down on one knee
after all she had been through last year was just incredible. She has such a sweet smile and looked up at
me with her face lit up, she has a servant’s heart, she still continues to want
to emulate Christ and serve. After my feet were dry, I was able to wash
Morgan’s feet…let’s have some more emotion…his legs are too short to be able to
sit and have them washed, so he placed his feet in the basin and I washed those
precious deep and wide feet, such awesome feet…then it was Michael’s turn so
Morgan washed Michael’s feet. Michael is very ticklish, so we explained that
this was NOT a time for that…they were precious…Matt and Maddox went over to
the other basin and Maddox washed Matt’s feet while Michael was washing
Mason’s…watching all this love that my boys have for each other was something
that cannot be put into words…then, it was time for Mason to wash…we were out
of “family members,” but Nate was up next…Nate is the son of Craig and Dana,
one set of Micheal’s Godparents, so he is family…priceless moments at our
church that evening…Matt washed Dana’s feet…At the end of the service, the
altar was stripped and washed and then “when the shepherd is struck the sheep
scatter” and we scattered, and I thought of the torture that our Savior, over
2000 years ago, endured for me, for all of us…no one else could have done what He did, and I will
be eternally grateful…the best gift I have ever been given…salvation,
unconditional love, grace, mercy, eternal life with my Father in Heaven, what
could be better?
Good Friday service each year we walk the “Stations
of the Cross.” We explained to Michael what this service was about, and he
seemed to understand. We walked and when Jesus falls for the second time anyone
is able to assist and carry the cross just as Simon Peter did…many join in to
do this…Michael was too little to join in, but he still continued just the same.
As we approached for the stripping of His garments, Michael took his piece and held it and stared at it…
what was running through his head? He has a lot language, but sometimes it is still a struggle for him to get his point across…as we moved to the nailing Jesus to the cross, as it happens each year for me, I watched as each one of us nails our sins to the cross…the echoing of the hammering of the nails while my eyes were closed was so piercing…
I go into another place, that place on the mountain…I can hear people mocking Him, I can hear the sobbing of His mother, and Mary and John…as we move to Him being placed in His mother’s arms, I felt a hand on my shoulder and an arm around my waist…it’s my first born, Mason…so sweet and loving and again, I have these vivid visions, of my son being placed in my arms, dead and lifeless, the tears flow and I can’t squeeze him tight enough…I can only imagine the anguish of Mary’s heart of what she had witnessed and who she was holding that had laid His life down for her and also the world…He took it all! For us!! I am not worthy! You are not worthy, BUT WE ARE FORGIVEN!
what was running through his head? He has a lot language, but sometimes it is still a struggle for him to get his point across…as we moved to the nailing Jesus to the cross, as it happens each year for me, I watched as each one of us nails our sins to the cross…the echoing of the hammering of the nails while my eyes were closed was so piercing…
I go into another place, that place on the mountain…I can hear people mocking Him, I can hear the sobbing of His mother, and Mary and John…as we move to Him being placed in His mother’s arms, I felt a hand on my shoulder and an arm around my waist…it’s my first born, Mason…so sweet and loving and again, I have these vivid visions, of my son being placed in my arms, dead and lifeless, the tears flow and I can’t squeeze him tight enough…I can only imagine the anguish of Mary’s heart of what she had witnessed and who she was holding that had laid His life down for her and also the world…He took it all! For us!! I am not worthy! You are not worthy, BUT WE ARE FORGIVEN!
Confess, repent and you shall receive…
Easter Sunday - ALLELUIA, HE IS RISEN! THE LORD IS INDEED ALLELUIA!! First Easter Bunny then church...then the Easter Egg Hunt!
Easter Sunday - ALLELUIA, HE IS RISEN! THE LORD IS INDEED ALLELUIA!! First Easter Bunny then church...then the Easter Egg Hunt!
It was “Mary/MommyAppreciation Week" the day after Easter!!! This happens
once a year! My sisters and I once a year get together, just the 4 of us, and
the goal is to enjoy each other as much as possible, laugh, eat, enjoy the
sunshine, and laugh and eat some more…this year ended up a little different
though. The last 2 years it has been the 4 of us. This year Anne came to
Florida first to meet Jane. I arrived on Monday evening…I should have been
there MUCH earlier but because I tried to get EVERYTHING in order before I
left, I ran behind schedule, which turned into an “unglued” moment. I don’t
like when that happens, my boys don’t like it either, and most especially my
GOD doesn’t like it…I confess…I had all the laundry done, with the exception of
2 undershirts…not a big deal…then one last look in the 3 littles
bathroom…MADDOX!! You left a PILE behind the door…He is most famous for this
MOST of the time…his brain is too full of math equations to remember to NOT do
that, or leave his socks in the kitchen when he gets home from school, or leave
anything wherever, whenever he is done with it…Actually before this
realization, I was in search of soccer uniforms for Morgan and Michael. It had
been 2 weeks since a game, and I always wash the uniforms that day or the next
and hang them in their closets…ALWAYS doesn’t really mean ALWAYS!! I found
everything except for Michael’s white shirt. This weekend is the one weekend
they have 2 games, and OF COURSE they need white for Saturday and blue for
WHITE SHIRT??? I looked everywhere, never
to be found…I worked up a good sweat before FINALLY finding a storage bin with
old uniforms…I found one of Morgan’s old white ones from another season, so the
sleeves were hemmed…Thank you Jesus! I couldn’t call a friend and just ask for
them to bring an extra…The majority of people don’t get or understand this….I
want my kids’ clothes to FIT them! I don’t want their sleeves that are supposed
to be short sleeves be down past their elbows, almost to their wrists…I don’t
want their shorts to go down to their ankle! I don’t want them tripping over
their size 8 pants, that should have
been altered by removing about 6-10 inches and then hemmed… Sorry folks, I know
this doesn’t matter in the big scheme of things, but I still remember the
buckets of tears I cried over Morgan when he was an infant, newly diagnosed,
and I just wanted shoes on his feet so his pants didn’t cover them…the
continued buckets at church one year because his shirt was like a dress…I
wanted people to see that he was a precious child of God regardless of the Rhizomelic
limb shortening of the femur and the humerus and the multitude of other issues
accompanying his diagnosis. I wanted them to see Christ…He was made in His
image! Whoa, this started at just trying to find Michael’s white shirt! So in
the end I found a shirt that would work for him, although I had to go around
and make apologies to the 4 boys that saw me unglued...over a shirt…which
turned into clothing and towels behind a door, which turned into me being
disorganized, which turned into, I wanted to be in the car hours ago for my one
time a year, and I can just be me…and then I realized…I am NOT just me!! I am
His! Thank God for that! I cannot do
anything without him, and I took a deep breath and hugged and kissed on all my boys and
exited the house a few times and then finally hit the road…
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My 2 heart sisters - Jane and Anne |
It was a nice break, but I MISSED MY 5 BOYS! I love my sissies to absolute pieces, but I
am still not one that can just leave my children behind easily…I know people
that do it, or it looks like they can, but it’s not my nature at all…Matt tells
me, ‘we’re fine, take your time…” I don’t want to take my time, I don’t want to
be away from them when they are all together (okay maybe when there is science
fiction involved, then I will GLADLY exit the scene!)
This was the first time I saw my sister Jane since
she received her gift of life on November 6th last year! I had Skyped with her, but getting to feel
her in person was so awesome! She had lost more weight than I had realized, and
it was actually alarming for me…This is my sister that took over the mother
role after my mom died when I was 13. Annie was there also and they were comparing stories
about their transplant road which of course I could not relate to…thankfully,
although I would gladly trade places with them so they did not have to go
through all they have gone through…Their roads similar, yet very different…we
continue to pray for them as the transplant is not a “cure,” it is a
tradeoff…prayers to keep from rejecting, infections and the host of other
issues that accompany the medications, the poisons they ingest on a daily basis
to keep them here.. Elizabeth did not make it this time because her first grandchild was due any day!! She arrived on April 3rd after a good, long hard labor! Mommy and baby continue to do well!!
We enjoyed a first day on the beach, then the rain
came…yuck, but it was still nice to be together…Annie left on Thursday, she had
to get back to her boys and life in NC. I had planned to leave on Saturday, but
after all the rain, Saturday’s forecast was going to be beautiful!! I called
Matt Friday and asked if I could stay another day, I just really wanted to get
one more day on the beach, quietly relaxing…His response, “That is fine, I made
it to the weekend through activities and school and homework!” I was thankful for his response, but felt
uneasy since the boys were expecting me to come home Saturday…they were fine,
although Matt said they definitely missed me and were ready to be done with him
‘cracking the whip.’ I get it…Saturday Jane and I ventured down to the beach
and endured some foul-mouthed 22 year old boys slamming beers and cussing like
nobody’s business, until a grandfather knelt down and asked them to stop…I
wanted to but I knew better…I’m quite sure they would have cussed me, but they
responded with a “yes, Sir” to the grandfather…if only he had been there an
hour earlier…we stayed on the beach for a good part of the day, then the wind
shifted and it got chilly so we went back up to condo…The next morning I got up
and left around 7am and hit the road. We had a nice goodbye hug and chatted off
and on throughout the day.
To see my boys that afternoon was so great!! They
were happy and glad to see me! Matt said they definitely needed some mommy time,
especially Michael…Got to see their soccer game that afternoon and the day was complete! There is nothing HOME!!
The end of last month all 4 boys completed the KidsTri Triathlon...For 3 of the boys this was the 3rd year in a row, for one is was the first ever. Still trying to cram in firsts!! There are still so many!!! Morgan and Michael had a soccer game that Saturday, so Matt dropped the other 2 off at swim practice (he had to work). I went to the game, then picked up the other 2 at swim, then we went to our pool. For Michael's part in the tri, he had to swim 100 yards, bike 3 mile, and run a mile. Remember, Michael did NOT have much activity in China...He has had LOTS since coming HOME! I know he gets overwhelmed and we talk about it. Just know that he has never been FORCED to do anything, but he does like to try to keep up with his brothers. I have to admit, I like for him to try to keep up with them!! It's a busy house and a busy life, which is completely different from what he was accustomed to...okay so we went to the pool so I could be sure that he could swim the 100 yards without a panic...He was doing great! He got halfway through the 4th lap, and swam under the rope and went to the side...WHAT??? He was almost there!! He said with heavy breathing..."I can't!" I told him to rest and then said, "YES YOU CAN!!" and then he did!!! I was so proud of him!!! Now after that he would have to bike the 3 miles and run 1 nile, yikes, I knew he could do those things, but maybe not after the swim...I told him how proud I was and said he was going to do a great job the next morning!! We stayed at the pool for about 20 minutes, went home for them to change clothes and the went on an adventure to sign them up for the next morning and pick up their races packets...Most people that know me, know that my man takes care of me! I am very blessed...and most people know me know that I take care of him right back! BUT, I do NOT like going to unfamiliar places without him!! So even though we have been to this tri area twice before, I don't know my way around!! I PRINTED directions and was on my way...we were almost there, and all I had to do was make ONE MORE TURN!!! It says TURN LEFT, but I was unable to because it was a ONE WAY ROAD!!! No problem, I'll go one street up and go up several blocks and then get on the correct road and be there...NOPE! WRONG!!!! REALLY?? Give me a break! So every way I tried to get there, I couldn't, and then I ended up in a really BAD AREA!! Which meant that I was trying like crazy to get out of there with my 4 kids in my MINIVAN!! YIKES!! I prayed and prayed and eventually got out and went yet the wrong way again...something is wrong with my phone (probably the user!!) and I can't get the navigation, so I need an address, so I get one and plug it in with the destination...go back that way, of course same thing, one way...went up the next street in the other direction, and LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HALLELUIA!!! WE ARE HERE!! Oh my goodness, I forgot the part about Michael saying in the midst of being lost that he HAD TO GO TO THE BATHROOM! You can forget that Jack!! He was about unglued and there was NO WAY I was stopping at any of those houses to ask if we could use their potty!! Bless his heart!! When we arrived at the center, I sent Mason out with him to the restroom...Oh my dear Lord in Heaven! After all this fun we all laughed!! We stood in line got registered of course one of the girls said to Morgan, "Back again, I remember you from last year." That is what happens A LOT!!! We were recognized because of Morgan before, and now because there are TWO!
The next morning began early to get to the venue. I knew the way this time!! Lots of grumbling parents after the first group was off and going...Maddox was in the first group, and did great!! Michael and Morgan were in the same heat in their age group which was helpful!! Morgan completed his swim, no problem. Michael on the other hand (at that time) was doing fine, although when he would turn his head to get a breath he looked like he was struggling...the lifeguards descended upon him and asked if he wanted the buoy!! UGH! GET AWAY FROM HIM!! HE CAN DO IT!! That's what was going on in my head!! I kept my trap shut and "allowed" them to assist, therefore he didn't get to swim the 4 laps...I was worried about his confidence, did it just get crushed??!! I have worked so hard over the past 10 months to build him up and let him know he can do ANYTHING!!! He ran to the transition for his bike...hopped on and off he went...when he can back by on the second lap for the bike I lost it...Screaming, "go Michael, go Michael!!" My voice cracking and shaking...he was determined...jumped off his bike and started on his mile run...he ran his heart out!! He walked a little, but mostly ran...that is so much to do after the swimming and biking on those little legs!! When he came around the corner to get his medal he sprinted as we were all calling his name...he grabbed the medal and we all hugged him and told him how proud we were of him...they all were eating bagels and oranges and we headed home for a relaxing afternoon at home..The end of last month all 4 boys completed the KidsTri Triathlon...For 3 of the boys this was the 3rd year in a row, for one is was the first ever. Still trying to cram in firsts!! There are still so many!!! Morgan and Michael had a soccer game that Saturday, so Matt dropped the other 2 off at swim practice (he had to work). I went to the game, then picked up the other 2 at swim, then we went to our pool. For Michael's part in the tri, he had to swim 100 yards, bike 3 mile, and run a mile. Remember, Michael did NOT have much activity in China...He has had LOTS since coming HOME! I know he gets overwhelmed and we talk about it. Just know that he has never been FORCED to do anything, but he does like to try to keep up with his brothers. I have to admit, I like for him to try to keep up with them!! It's a busy house and a busy life, which is completely different from what he was accustomed to...okay so we went to the pool so I could be sure that he could swim the 100 yards without a panic...He was doing great! He got halfway through the 4th lap, and swam under the rope and went to the side...WHAT??? He was almost there!! He said with heavy breathing..."I can't!" I told him to rest and then said, "YES YOU CAN!!" and then he did!!! I was so proud of him!!! Now after that he would have to bike the 3 miles and run 1 nile, yikes, I knew he could do those things, but maybe not after the swim...I told him how proud I was and said he was going to do a great job the next morning!! We stayed at the pool for about 20 minutes, went home for them to change clothes and the went on an adventure to sign them up for the next morning and pick up their races packets...Most people that know me, know that my man takes care of me! I am very blessed...and most people know me know that I take care of him right back! BUT, I do NOT like going to unfamiliar places without him!! So even though we have been to this tri area twice before, I don't know my way around!! I PRINTED directions and was on my way...we were almost there, and all I had to do was make ONE MORE TURN!!! It says TURN LEFT, but I was unable to because it was a ONE WAY ROAD!!! No problem, I'll go one street up and go up several blocks and then get on the correct road and be there...NOPE! WRONG!!!! REALLY?? Give me a break! So every way I tried to get there, I couldn't, and then I ended up in a really BAD AREA!! Which meant that I was trying like crazy to get out of there with my 4 kids in my MINIVAN!! YIKES!! I prayed and prayed and eventually got out and went yet the wrong way again...something is wrong with my phone (probably the user!!) and I can't get the navigation, so I need an address, so I get one and plug it in with the destination...go back that way, of course same thing, one way...went up the next street in the other direction, and LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HALLELUIA!!! WE ARE HERE!! Oh my goodness, I forgot the part about Michael saying in the midst of being lost that he HAD TO GO TO THE BATHROOM! You can forget that Jack!! He was about unglued and there was NO WAY I was stopping at any of those houses to ask if we could use their potty!! Bless his heart!! When we arrived at the center, I sent Mason out with him to the restroom...Oh my dear Lord in Heaven! After all this fun we all laughed!! We stood in line got registered of course one of the girls said to Morgan, "Back again, I remember you from last year." That is what happens A LOT!!! We were recognized because of Morgan before, and now because there are TWO!
I forgot to mention while I was with my sisters there was a milestone in my absence!! WAH!! I MISSED IT!! Thankfully I have the best husband in the world and he shared a video with me...
In China, the children throw their teeth away! The 8 teeth that he lost in China, were just thrown in the trash..that is a little bit heartbreaking to me...actually more than a little makes me sad to think of all the things that the "orphans" in the world do not get to experience...can you remember when your child got their first tooth?? can you remember when it came out?? Maybe you can't remember the exact circumstances, but it is always exciting when they wiggle their tooth and it FINALLY comes out...after this 1st one in America, he had another one that was just a little thing I know, the boys are suppose to be in bed ASLEEP and Michael comes in to show me he pulled his tooth out! He was very proud and knew that someone would be visiting him that night...except, the tooth fairy forgot, but luckily while he went downstairs to get his backpack and things ready for school the tooth fairy managed to sneak in his room and grab his tooth and leave a little something!! Goodness gracious, this has happened to Morgan, I think about 3 times, and one was right before this happened to Michael ( Morgan lost his one day and then Michael lost his the next.)
Swim practice began the 1st of the month...the first day it was chilly and the pool was COLD!!! THey endured but it was challenging. They would swim a lap, then get out and wait...yikes! By the end of it their lips were turning a little bit was then home and hit he hot showers!!
The 4th grade wrote a book...well each child wrote a story (each class had a theme), and each class had their own book bound ad printed with all the 2 weeks ago they had he author's showcase. Each student would read their story to the class and show their picture. That morning I had Michael read his a couple of times aloud to us so he could practice. Later, before the bus he was acting like something was bugging we go...pulling teeth to get him to tell gets frustrating because I know he wants to tell me but he doesn't. I believe he protected his foster mother from his feelings because he didn't want to make her sad. I have expressed he doesn't have to protect me, I can take it...anyway, I FINALLY got it out of him. He said, "my story bad, they are good. look," and he showed me his and then showed me the other ones...His was NOT BAD, it was shorter, that is all. He did it all by himself and he should be proud...please be proud!! My gosh!! He has learned SO MUCH!!! It is truly amazing to think about less than a year (we are approaching our year!!) what he has learned...
My daddy's birthday we went to dinner and enjoyed the outside and the boys got to feed the fish off the deck. Kids at one table, adult at the other...
Me and my daddy,gotta love me I'm the baby!! He looks pretty awesome for 79 years young!! |
the boys and Grandpa and Bu |
Mother’s day…about a month ago Morgan asked me what
my favorite breakfast was…I didn’t think ANYTHING about it…I answered with eggs
benedict and crab cakes…matt and I had talked about Mother’s day and what we
would do…I didn’t want to go anywhere except church in the morning, sit by the
pool and read in the afternoon, and cook out for dinner…we RARELY have steak,
once maybe twice a year…he had gone on Saturday with Morgan and Michael to get
the steaks while I was at the swim meet. He didn’t get home until shortly
before I did…he had been busy…he explained that Morgan was making me breakfast
in the morning and that I could NOT get out of bed…okay, but please don’t leave
me there all day!! Although that would
be nice, but it’s not happening…the next morning I was a good girl and stayed
in bed, as much as I wanted my coffee, I did what I was told…Mason came in
first, and gave me a card he made (with his hand print, which is now the same size as mine at 12 years of age!!), with a lego that said
…too sweet…the
card had a bio about him that I had written when he was in 4th grade
for “All star of the week” in his class…I read it and cried my eyes out reading the brief history of how he came to be, how the Lord has blessed us… I was so
thankful I had stayed in bed and not gotten ready for church yet, because I
would have had to start over…it also had a picture of him when he was 7 months
old, and decided to start crawling on our first family vacation (we had to wagon LOADED with everything you could possibly need, and SO MANY THINGS THAT WE DIDN'T!!)…one that I will
never forget since God was doing a little foreshadowing…I wasn’t even pregnant
with Morgan yet, but Matt saw a family of people with dwarfism (Achondroplasia,
specifically, although of course we didn’t know that word yet…)Mason has a
sweet heart and is growing up so fast, but I love that he can still give me
hugs and show his love for me…he will always be my baby, just like the rest of
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My forever bouquet!! |
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He picked them out just for me...He is going to be an incredible husband for some special girl! |
then this:
The tears were flowing from many eyes...the older members of the church have prayed a LONG TIME to have a youth group and we are grateful to have a growing thriving group of youth!! I'll be adding to the group over the next few years...
Our family - We are so blessed!! |
The first meet of the season was on Saturday...the mock meet, just our team, to get everything running smoothly and the all bugs worked out of the system...Lots of new faces this year. Michael was a little nervous since in his age group you have to swim 50yds, which is 2 laps...the 1st one is usually fine, the 2nd definitely gets harder..Morgan and Michael were in the same heat on the Butterfly and backstroke. I was concerned, on multiple that he would get scared and not swim, two, that he would be too much competition for Morgan...
They are very competitive, most brothers are, but this is unique...Morgan has been swimming a LONG TIME, and Michael just learned to swim last summer, and just learned to dive off the blocks last week! Of course Morgan's technique is far better at this point, but Michael can MOVE in the water. His little arms were literally FLYING on the butterfly, and he was blowing people away with his ability and speed!! Some know his story, others don't. The ones that do were amazed... one dad actually said, "He is my new favorite to watch." (he is a former collegiate swimmer.) new favorite kid to watch, not of my children, just in general...
Celebratory dinner after the mock meet
The Balance Beam, by Francis Chan " Are you going to stay on, be safe, and then dismount in heaven??"