Random thoughts, I have grown so much in the past 9 years since moving to this house, our home, we built to raise our family. At times, many times it is overwhelming to me how God has worked so significantly in our lives, every i dotted and every t crossed, if we look closely, sometimes it hits like a ton of bricks, other times you have to really pay attention, but He is there, in every moment, every breath.
Okay, here I go again! The I-800 provisional approval...NOW that along with a few other papers (Article 5) are being dropped off at the Consulate in Guangzhou TODAY! It is a 2 week turn around, so the pick up date will be the 16th. Once it gets picked up then we begin our wait for TA (travel approval) and that can be from 2-5 weeks. PLEASE PRAY WITH US FOR 2 OR LESS!!! I know, I know it is God's time, and I am reminded again in -
Matthew 18:20 -
"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Bring on the praying!!
I sent away for our Visas yesterday, Mason and mine. Finally! I also, FINALLY sent Michael's package to him!! Of course, I over analyzed what to send. I had waited SO LONG to get the approval to send a package, I wasn't even prepared...I looked over the list of items that were suggested to send to older children...school supplies was on the list, so I sent colored pencils, regular pencils, a pencil sharpener, crayons, a drawing pad, primary lined paper with examples of English letters (maybe he will practice writing his English letters, one can only hope!!). I also sent 2 pairs of athletic shorts, a soccer shirt, and a (Tampa Bay) RAYS t-shirt, get it RAYS???!! It couldn't be a complete package without a matchbox Aston Marten car, a foam football, and A LEGO SET! But, my very favorite item was the little 4x6 photo album, a little picture of him I put on the front insert with about 40 or so pictures of our family, home, extended family and neighborhood.
I already had the box all put together when I received updated pictures of Michael...God was winking/blinking so much that He could barely keep His eyes open when I opened up the email to see the photos!!
This is one of the photos!! I could just take a bite out of him!! This may not mean much to you, but maybe it will when I continue this story...
So upon opening the photo attachment and seeing this picture, you can imagine what happened!! Why, tears of course!! This is a vision I have had of him for over a year...do you know why???
Brief interruption:
Luke 19:1-10 - Story of Zacchaeus
Because of this!!This is one of the pictures I had placed in his photo album BEFORE I SAW HIS PHOTO!!!WHAT, YOU ASK?? Now, I do not take as many pictures of my boys as I did when they were younger, although I think I might take more than some. I don't have the best camera in the world, just a little Sony Cybershot with a Carl Zeiss lens, 16.2 megapixel, BUT it does the trick...So out of all the pictures of my boys I put this one in and received one of Michael doing the same thing!!!Do you know how many days I have watched my kids in the backyard playing in the tree or on the playhouse or in the pool and have seen that precious little face amongst the 3 of them?? Too many to count!! I am still amazed at where we have come in the past year...at this time last year, my husband and I were in different places, polar opposites..he had said no, we had been down this road with Micah and we were not doing this...I cried many tears, privately, and prayed many, many prayers, and had 4 people praying with me from a distance...WOW, have I mentioned that GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!! I mean really???!!! So many God winks along the way, I will have to back track on another post and look and write about the miracles that have taken place, some subtle, some not so much!
1Samuel 1: 27-28 - Hannah said "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there.
And I said "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord."
I can not wait to share with Michael about our Lord and Savior Remember, we have our friend Xin, from Wuhan who will be able to help us, as well as my friend Lauren's daughter, Betty. I look forward to him learning about Jesus and really knowing Him!! I am so grateful that we get to share this with him!!
Another note about some other incredible things that have transpired! There is an "adoption committee" with LPA (Little People of America) and they have a blog that has children listed that are available for adoption. (you can click on it on the side of this page.)
One boy in particular has weighed SO HEAVILY on my heart, "Teddy." Birth date is listed as 10/98. (I honestly think he is no more than 12 years old.) What does that mean?? It means that he turns 14 this year, and will no longer be eligible to be adopted, no longer have hope of a family coming to bring him home, and truthfully he would have NO FUTURE!! No longer have the opportunity to hear about Jesus and what He did for all of us!!! I checked the blog Sunday night, and to my amazement GOD PROVIDED A FAMILY FOR THIS BOY!!! As I looked at the pictures of the few children that now have families, I sobbed. I thanked God over and over for His promise!
John 14:18 - "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
His time, His way. I had cried countless tears over this child, sent posts advocating for him, pleading for someone to come forward (I wasn't the only one), and someone did! At this point I do not know who they are, but I can not wait to "meet" them!! There was another little boy, younger, that I had looked at, possibly for our family, before I received the email back in September that Michael was going to be listed again...this little boy has a family too! I am so thankful!! While being thankful, I also saw that although these children's families have found them, there are new children listed. Please join me in prayer for these precious children of God...
Another life changing event occurred for one of my friends on April 13th...My precious friend, Carol's husband Andrew died suddenly. As sad as it is, the memorial was out of this world and so full of praise for Jesus!! Several people spoke of Andrew, including his parents. His mother, thanked God for allowing her to be his mother. She told the story of how, while she was pregnant with Andrew, how they decided on his name. During a Bible study they were talking about Andrew...
John 1:41
The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ).
Andrew was excited to share about Jesus. He was a Godly man, of great faith and will be truly missed by so many. He walked the walk and talked the talk. We should all walk and talk that way, which brings me to another story.
I do not chime in on websites often, if ever. There is a China adoption site that I lurk on to gather information. It's interesting to read what people can write, when they write anonymously...A post about "growth hormones" caught my attention. I read a parent asking about them, and there were MANY responses. There were some that said "5'8" for a man is short," "unacceptable height," one said her husband would do it for their child, blah, blah, blah. It went on and on, some did pose questions why a doctor would do it just based on making a child taller, and not because they weren't producing the growth hormone...there are reasons to do it, I couldn't sit by and read anymore, so I responded. I shared we have 3 boys, middle one has Achondroplasia, adopting another..."growth hormones won't work for him, but even if they did, he wouldn't want them, because we (he) know he was made this way for God's purpose." (we have actually talked about this recently because I was approached by a physician about a new study - Morgan said, "No, I like being small. It's not a hormone issue anyway) I wondered if mentioning God was allowed, although I really didn't care, I won't deny Him. So within a couple of hours of posting, I received an email from the moderator!! Guess what, "religious reference removed." Whatever! So I suppose I got my hand slapped and got censored!! BUT, one of my friends had copied and pasted my writing, and responded to it...my God reference was NOT removed from that post!! (I'm sure they haven't figured that out yet).
Back to my update...So I received about 10 pictures, and I had also asked some questions. My case worker was quite sure that they wouldn't all be answered, and I thought that as well, but better ask and not be answered than not to ask at all!! So the update included a couple of measurements, and pictures of him being measured. I think it was his foster mother measuring him but I couldn't see her face. The has not had ear infections, he eyes are "normal, " he has not been sick recently. He got 99% on last semester math exam!! He does not have English class in school, but has English speech lessons for one hour every Saturday morning. YAHOO!!! Now, that doesn't mean that he will be fluent, and I do not know how long this has been going on, but it doesn't matter!! I was so thrilled to read that!!
The last line on the sheet was "We have told him that he is going to be adopted." That did it for me! So now he knows, and will be receiving our package within a week or so!! I am a little bit sorry that his birthday cake picture that we had looks NOTHING LIKE THE ONE HE HAD IN CHINA!! They do very elaborate cakes! I DO NOT!! When I said I have grown so much since moving into this house, it is so true. I USED to think everything had to be PERFECT( and nothing can be!!)! It was a running joke! We even had friends 20 years ago that if they showed up unannounced (YIKES!!) and I didn't have perfect vacuum lines in my carpet, I might have a "come apart!!" (Matt will laugh his head off upon reading that last sentence!!) He knows those days are FAR GONE!!! When we moved in here, I swiffered the wood floors every other SECOND! Okay, not that bad, but A LOT! Now my house is somewhat neat and tidy but it is not perfect, by any stretch, it is our home and we live our life here.
There are imperfections everywhere, but God's love and grace is perfect and sufficient for us and for anyone else that wants it!!!
Hope you enjoyed my randomness, thanks for continued prayers!!
Bring on the praying!!
I sent away for our Visas yesterday, Mason and mine. Finally! I also, FINALLY sent Michael's package to him!! Of course, I over analyzed what to send. I had waited SO LONG to get the approval to send a package, I wasn't even prepared...I looked over the list of items that were suggested to send to older children...school supplies was on the list, so I sent colored pencils, regular pencils, a pencil sharpener, crayons, a drawing pad, primary lined paper with examples of English letters (maybe he will practice writing his English letters, one can only hope!!). I also sent 2 pairs of athletic shorts, a soccer shirt, and a (Tampa Bay) RAYS t-shirt, get it RAYS???!! It couldn't be a complete package without a matchbox Aston Marten car, a foam football, and A LEGO SET! But, my very favorite item was the little 4x6 photo album, a little picture of him I put on the front insert with about 40 or so pictures of our family, home, extended family and neighborhood.
I already had the box all put together when I received updated pictures of Michael...God was winking/blinking so much that He could barely keep His eyes open when I opened up the email to see the photos!!
This is one of the photos!! I could just take a bite out of him!! This may not mean much to you, but maybe it will when I continue this story...
So upon opening the photo attachment and seeing this picture, you can imagine what happened!! Why, tears of course!! This is a vision I have had of him for over a year...do you know why???
Brief interruption:
Luke 19:1-10 - Story of Zacchaeus
Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” 6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.7 All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.”
8 But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Because of this!!This is one of the pictures I had placed in his photo album BEFORE I SAW HIS PHOTO!!!WHAT, YOU ASK?? Now, I do not take as many pictures of my boys as I did when they were younger, although I think I might take more than some. I don't have the best camera in the world, just a little Sony Cybershot with a Carl Zeiss lens, 16.2 megapixel, BUT it does the trick...So out of all the pictures of my boys I put this one in and received one of Michael doing the same thing!!!Do you know how many days I have watched my kids in the backyard playing in the tree or on the playhouse or in the pool and have seen that precious little face amongst the 3 of them?? Too many to count!! I am still amazed at where we have come in the past year...at this time last year, my husband and I were in different places, polar opposites..he had said no, we had been down this road with Micah and we were not doing this...I cried many tears, privately, and prayed many, many prayers, and had 4 people praying with me from a distance...WOW, have I mentioned that GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!! I mean really???!!! So many God winks along the way, I will have to back track on another post and look and write about the miracles that have taken place, some subtle, some not so much!
1Samuel 1: 27-28 - Hannah said "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there.
And I said "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord."
I can not wait to share with Michael about our Lord and Savior Remember, we have our friend Xin, from Wuhan who will be able to help us, as well as my friend Lauren's daughter, Betty. I look forward to him learning about Jesus and really knowing Him!! I am so grateful that we get to share this with him!!
Another note about some other incredible things that have transpired! There is an "adoption committee" with LPA (Little People of America) and they have a blog that has children listed that are available for adoption. (you can click on it on the side of this page.)
One boy in particular has weighed SO HEAVILY on my heart, "Teddy." Birth date is listed as 10/98. (I honestly think he is no more than 12 years old.) What does that mean?? It means that he turns 14 this year, and will no longer be eligible to be adopted, no longer have hope of a family coming to bring him home, and truthfully he would have NO FUTURE!! No longer have the opportunity to hear about Jesus and what He did for all of us!!! I checked the blog Sunday night, and to my amazement GOD PROVIDED A FAMILY FOR THIS BOY!!! As I looked at the pictures of the few children that now have families, I sobbed. I thanked God over and over for His promise!
John 14:18 - "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
His time, His way. I had cried countless tears over this child, sent posts advocating for him, pleading for someone to come forward (I wasn't the only one), and someone did! At this point I do not know who they are, but I can not wait to "meet" them!! There was another little boy, younger, that I had looked at, possibly for our family, before I received the email back in September that Michael was going to be listed again...this little boy has a family too! I am so thankful!! While being thankful, I also saw that although these children's families have found them, there are new children listed. Please join me in prayer for these precious children of God...
Another life changing event occurred for one of my friends on April 13th...My precious friend, Carol's husband Andrew died suddenly. As sad as it is, the memorial was out of this world and so full of praise for Jesus!! Several people spoke of Andrew, including his parents. His mother, thanked God for allowing her to be his mother. She told the story of how, while she was pregnant with Andrew, how they decided on his name. During a Bible study they were talking about Andrew...
John 1:41
The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ).
Andrew was excited to share about Jesus. He was a Godly man, of great faith and will be truly missed by so many. He walked the walk and talked the talk. We should all walk and talk that way, which brings me to another story.
I do not chime in on websites often, if ever. There is a China adoption site that I lurk on to gather information. It's interesting to read what people can write, when they write anonymously...A post about "growth hormones" caught my attention. I read a parent asking about them, and there were MANY responses. There were some that said "5'8" for a man is short," "unacceptable height," one said her husband would do it for their child, blah, blah, blah. It went on and on, some did pose questions why a doctor would do it just based on making a child taller, and not because they weren't producing the growth hormone...there are reasons to do it, I couldn't sit by and read anymore, so I responded. I shared we have 3 boys, middle one has Achondroplasia, adopting another..."growth hormones won't work for him, but even if they did, he wouldn't want them, because we (he) know he was made this way for God's purpose." (we have actually talked about this recently because I was approached by a physician about a new study - Morgan said, "No, I like being small. It's not a hormone issue anyway) I wondered if mentioning God was allowed, although I really didn't care, I won't deny Him. So within a couple of hours of posting, I received an email from the moderator!! Guess what, "religious reference removed." Whatever! So I suppose I got my hand slapped and got censored!! BUT, one of my friends had copied and pasted my writing, and responded to it...my God reference was NOT removed from that post!! (I'm sure they haven't figured that out yet).
Back to my update...So I received about 10 pictures, and I had also asked some questions. My case worker was quite sure that they wouldn't all be answered, and I thought that as well, but better ask and not be answered than not to ask at all!! So the update included a couple of measurements, and pictures of him being measured. I think it was his foster mother measuring him but I couldn't see her face. The has not had ear infections, he eyes are "normal, " he has not been sick recently. He got 99% on last semester math exam!! He does not have English class in school, but has English speech lessons for one hour every Saturday morning. YAHOO!!! Now, that doesn't mean that he will be fluent, and I do not know how long this has been going on, but it doesn't matter!! I was so thrilled to read that!!
The last line on the sheet was "We have told him that he is going to be adopted." That did it for me! So now he knows, and will be receiving our package within a week or so!! I am a little bit sorry that his birthday cake picture that we had looks NOTHING LIKE THE ONE HE HAD IN CHINA!! They do very elaborate cakes! I DO NOT!! When I said I have grown so much since moving into this house, it is so true. I USED to think everything had to be PERFECT( and nothing can be!!)! It was a running joke! We even had friends 20 years ago that if they showed up unannounced (YIKES!!) and I didn't have perfect vacuum lines in my carpet, I might have a "come apart!!" (Matt will laugh his head off upon reading that last sentence!!) He knows those days are FAR GONE!!! When we moved in here, I swiffered the wood floors every other SECOND! Okay, not that bad, but A LOT! Now my house is somewhat neat and tidy but it is not perfect, by any stretch, it is our home and we live our life here.
There are imperfections everywhere, but God's love and grace is perfect and sufficient for us and for anyone else that wants it!!!
Hope you enjoyed my randomness, thanks for continued prayers!!