Mail call! "Were you expecting something from Homeland Security?" were the words my husband spoke when he came in from getting the mail on Monday...OF COURSE I AM !!! It wasn't the I-800 approval that I am longing for, but it was the "notice of action" that the process has begun. I already knew that since (they took the money out of my account!) the package was sent Fedex on the 18th and received on the 21st. The notice date was the 23rd. The I-797C Notice of Action states that the next step will be another letter with our scheduled appointment for our fingerprints, which should be here within a week or so, praying the appointment date is in December! Most are saying this approval process is taking far past the 60 day mark, but they are required to send the approval within 90 days, I am hopeful and in constant prayer that it will be much less!! Please pray with us!
As I was filling in my December dates on the dry erase board, that SOMETIMES, keeps me on track, I also placed January 1st at the end...This will be the last birthday, Michael Stephen XueFa has without a family to call his own!!!! It makes me so unbelievably sad to think of all the things he has done without a "family" around him...ugh, it just breaks my heart into a zillion pieces...BUT the 10 years he has had without us, he will have many times over WITH US!!! Forever and always, our baby he'll be!!
I am hoping and PRAYING that we can send him a care package for his birthday, not sure how that will work...some agencies don't let you send anything before approval because he won't know who it is from...It really doesn't matter, I just want him to have something from us...I appreciate continued prayers for all of us while we are waiting...please pray for God's protection over Michael Stephen XueFa while he waits...
Our adoption journey
This is our journey to adopt our son who has Achondroplasia, the most common form of short stature/dwarfism and lives a half a world away. He has been waiting so long and we are unbelievably humbled to answer God's call. "Here we are Lord! Please lead the way."
John 14:18 "I will not abandon you as orphans, I will come to you."
John 14:18 "I will not abandon you as orphans, I will come to you."
Our Story From The Beginning
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
As we have just celebrated Thanksgiving last week, we have so much to be thankful for...the list grows each day...our family, our friends, our home, our jobs, our health, most importantly our SAVIOR!! As we now move into the season of Advent, it brings the birth of Jesus into focus...we are preparing for His birth, the most significant birth in all of history. Oh, how thankful I am that He was born to be our Savior...I think about Mary and how she must have felt when she learned that she would carry the Messiah in her virgin womb. What an honor to be her, unimaginably humbling I'm sure...why would God trust her for this role? He must have seen something in her to give her such a role in life...the trust...the hope...the faith...the love...When I think about Mary, I also think about the pain she endured in being Jesus' mother. I can not imagine watching any one of my sons suffer as He did. I am so very thankful that Mary said, "yes" to the Lord...She gave HOPE to others in her response to our Lord! Her stretch of trust, faith, hope and love for God gave us all HOPE forever! We are all called to help others stretch, stir things up in others. I hope and pray that anyone that reads this blog, feels a "tug" of something that God might be calling them to do... All you have to do is have hope, trust and believe! He will be with you every step of the way! Peace be with you!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Funny how God works...
Sunday's scripture in our Sunday School class - drum roll please! - Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Um, excuse me, isn't this what I was talking about a few days ago??!! Every time I turn around God is winking at me!! I am loving it! Our facilitator in class said as she was going over the lesson and saw the scripture, she knew she would need some tissue next to me. (I did not see the box, Linda. :-)) Most people that know me, know that I can cry at the drop of a hat!! Some have even "made fun of me." There are many reasons for these emotions...I come from a family of "emotion." We all have the gift of "tears on the spot." I am thankful for my tears, they are part of who I am. The deal is that I "FEEL" just about everything I hear or see...I put myself in others' situations...I can empathize with them. I cry with them, I laugh with them...I can hear a song and be that person in the story...I receive communion as if Christ is standing right in front of me giving me His body and Blood...I love that I can feel these is gift that God gave to me and my family. (I haven't researched it, but a Catholic friend of mine said at one time that those kinds of tears are from the Holy Spirit. I'll buy that!!) Each one of my boys have it in their own individual ways......Michael Stephen XueFa, from what I have read, has these same qualities. Some of the writings about him are, "He has good adaptability", "His foster mother caught a cold and said ' Mum, please sit down and take a rest.' He is a kind boy, he knows how to treat people. One of the teens that visited in the 2008 video said, "I will miss him. He is the most adorable boy in the world. He may be a tiny person, but that doesn't stop him from doing anything. I remember how his face lit up as he smiled and ran towards Zoe and me to offer us water from his own cup. I remember how he was fascinated by my earrings and smiled and held my hand when I sat next to him." He says I love you a lot! He loves to learn. I can't wait to see him and hold him! I pray he will allow it...By the time he comes to us we will be at least the 5th place he has lived! That's an enormous amount of transition in 10 years!! I pray his attachment is not too hard on him, leaving everything he knows, coming to a culture that is completely different from what he has always known...the changes are so many I can't even list them all...I pray people will understand as we may have to do things differently and may not be "age appropriate" as most would think of a 10 year old....someone who has lived in an orphanage and in foster care will more than likely act younger than their chronological is okay. He can be who he is and we will guide him and work through it...all of us, as a family...this will be his home, and probably as far back as he can remember, he has not had a place to call his home. We are so excited that he will finally have that special place...HOME...that place with a mother and father and 3 brothers to love him, forever and always...I look forward to being able to sing, "Love you Forever" to him...We have missed the beginning 2 parts in that book, but one day, he will be that teenager (yikes!), and after that I will be able to drive across town in the middle of the night and pick up that Man and rock him back and forth, and back and forth, and sing, "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living, My baby you'll be." Thanks be to God!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
3 Ps - process, paperwork and PRAYER!
Yesterday I left at 7am to head to the Department of State...Yahoo map directions were GREAT! The drive was easy, great weather and not too much traffic..I listened to Contemporay Christian music, sang and listened to Charles Stanley a bit. It took a little under 3 hours to get there, and I was in and out within about 15 minutes! Gassed up the van and hit the road again...I was about 30 minutes from home when I received a call from our agency on the west coast. They had received my home study that I sent fedex ($46!!!) on Thursday...I could tell by her tone that there was an issue...UGH!! She said "we received your package, but it looks like you are short on your training hours"...WHAT??? How on earth could that be?? I had 12.5 hours when they required 12...I told her I would send her all my certificates when I got home...She totally caught me off guard, but I knew I would get home and email them to her and everything would be fine. I got home jumped on the computer and emailed her everything she needed. YEAH! That is done. I was hopeful that they would send out the notarized home study with my I-800 application to the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) She is aware that the sooner the is my understanding that it went out yesterday so I'm just going to go with that...I was a little bummed when I looked at the approved notarized homestudy and the date it was signed and notarized was NOV. 2ND!! Apparently they had to get the director's signature on the cover letter, and since she was out that seems to have been the hold up...water under the bridge, nothing I can do to go back in time...SO NOW THE PRAYERS ARE FOR THE I-800 APPROVAL!!!!!!!!!!!! It can take 30-60 days for approval, (I realize I have said some of this before, it helps me to write, even if it is the same), then Thanksgiving and Christmas days off will slow down a bit, BUT I am in prayer that EVERYONE that has ANYTHING to do with MICHAEL STEPHEN XUEFA'S adoption and coming home will be thorough and quick!!!PRAYERS FOR NO DELAYS!!!!!! Remember it was suppose to take 4-6 weeks to get our passports and it took 17 days! After I sent the training certifications to the agency, I made copies of all my docs (which used A LOT of ink!!), and sent them to the courier in DC. She will get the package on Monday and go to the state dept. on Tuesday and then Chinese Embassy that day or on Wed. They will process for 4-5 days and when she picks them up they will be sent FEDEX (super saver service 3 day which is still $20!!) to my agency...So the only things left for our dossier will be the I-800 and the POA (power of attorney) Once those come back then I'll have to drive to the Dept of State again then run fedex to DC then back to state dept and the Chinese embassy back to the agency...
It is looking like we will not all be able to go since I have heard the costs of travel - airline tickets almost double in price in May! 5 tickets flying there and 6 tickets flying back, alone airline fees could top $12K!!! Then you have hotel fees. Each child counts as 1/2 person, we would have 4 adults(2 adults, 4 children) and they make you have 2 hotel rooms! limit of 3 adults!!UGH!! So that is double hotel fees, food, cabs, trains etc!! Could be a $18-20K trip for 10-14 days!!!!! That doesn't include the application fee, home study review fee, home study fee, passports, I-800A, fingerprinting, agency fees, international processing fees, CCCWA charge, document expenses, POA, Post placement visits (for 5 years!!!) China entry visas, In China travel, Adoption registration cost (in China) Adoption Notary (in China) fedex fees, Orphanage Donation Fee, Michael Stephen XueFa's visa photos/medical (in China), Michael Stephen XueFa's immunization requirements (in China), Michael Stephen XueFa's US visa and processing cost. Then re-finalization of the adoption in the United States!
A reminder that the monetary cost of this priceless addition = faith, hope and love
1 Corinthians 13:13 "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
It is looking like we will not all be able to go since I have heard the costs of travel - airline tickets almost double in price in May! 5 tickets flying there and 6 tickets flying back, alone airline fees could top $12K!!! Then you have hotel fees. Each child counts as 1/2 person, we would have 4 adults(2 adults, 4 children) and they make you have 2 hotel rooms! limit of 3 adults!!UGH!! So that is double hotel fees, food, cabs, trains etc!! Could be a $18-20K trip for 10-14 days!!!!! That doesn't include the application fee, home study review fee, home study fee, passports, I-800A, fingerprinting, agency fees, international processing fees, CCCWA charge, document expenses, POA, Post placement visits (for 5 years!!!) China entry visas, In China travel, Adoption registration cost (in China) Adoption Notary (in China) fedex fees, Orphanage Donation Fee, Michael Stephen XueFa's visa photos/medical (in China), Michael Stephen XueFa's immunization requirements (in China), Michael Stephen XueFa's US visa and processing cost. Then re-finalization of the adoption in the United States!
A reminder that the monetary cost of this priceless addition = faith, hope and love
1 Corinthians 13:13 "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
Soul Surfer Strength
So if you haven't seen the movie, it is a must see!! I took away so much from this thing in particular - Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." We have a choice to believe this or not...we choose to believe it! This IS from Him...I know He has these plans for all of us...I know he has this plan for our new son! It is so exciting for our family to KNOW these things!! For out of all the people in this world, we get to be his family! I am not delusional, I know, we know, that this can be one of the most difficult things we have ever or will ever do, BUT we are doing it with HIM!!! So, though He has not promised life to be easy we do know that, Matthew 19:26 states - Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” and also Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all this through Him who gives me strength." Can you imagine the power if ALL people knew this about God?? What would the world look like then??
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Waiting Children
This is a picture of a poster of waiting children with different forms of dwarfism (there are over 200+ types). A couple of them have found their forever families, while most of them are still waiting...take a look, maybe you are the family they are waiting for...if you need more information please let me know...God Bless!
How some of this works...
First off - Thank you God for giving us this opportunity!!
This whole process is very confusing...I am glad though that my friend, Lauren told me to process my own dossier!! At least I have control on when I can get things done! But while I thought I would have my original home study delivered over a week ago, something happened in someone else's family. The director of our social worker's agency had a death in her family...I do not know who it was but pray for their peace...she came back to work on Monday signed the documents, had them notarized and sent them in the mail...I am kicking myself now that I didn't set up my fedex account until yesterday, could have had them send it that way instead. So they didn't get here today...I pray tomorrow. Once I get them I can make my way on the long, boring drive to Tallahassee to the Secretary of State and get my verifications, then home to make copies, then to fedex to send my dossier documents to a courier in Washington DC. She will then take my documents to the State Department and get their seal, then make copies and submit everything to the Chinese Embassy...Once the documents are there, it will take 5 days to process and then they will FEDEX all of them to my agency on the west coast. Meanwhile, we will be waiting for the I-800 approval to come back from USCIS...that process takes 30-60 days I am told...once I get the approval of that I will make my way back to Tallahassee on the long, boring drive and get the Secretary of State verification then submit to the courier in DC, and then that will be overnighted to my agency on the West Coast (that will hopefully be the last of that procedure!!) At that point, I will then be dossier to China)! After DTC, then we get LID logged in agency said once we are logged in we will travel within 5 or so months! SO MY TIMELINE HAS BEEN WAY OFF!!! I was thinking we would travel in March or April (which is less expensive to travel - May starts their busy season- busy equals $$$)...I was missing some steps on a couple of things that take a while...prayers please for a speedy, thorough process with NO DELAYS!!! Michael Stephen XueFa needs to be home and looking forward to him being able to do this!!! (Morgan praying on the soccer field!)
This whole process is very confusing...I am glad though that my friend, Lauren told me to process my own dossier!! At least I have control on when I can get things done! But while I thought I would have my original home study delivered over a week ago, something happened in someone else's family. The director of our social worker's agency had a death in her family...I do not know who it was but pray for their peace...she came back to work on Monday signed the documents, had them notarized and sent them in the mail...I am kicking myself now that I didn't set up my fedex account until yesterday, could have had them send it that way instead. So they didn't get here today...I pray tomorrow. Once I get them I can make my way on the long, boring drive to Tallahassee to the Secretary of State and get my verifications, then home to make copies, then to fedex to send my dossier documents to a courier in Washington DC. She will then take my documents to the State Department and get their seal, then make copies and submit everything to the Chinese Embassy...Once the documents are there, it will take 5 days to process and then they will FEDEX all of them to my agency on the west coast. Meanwhile, we will be waiting for the I-800 approval to come back from USCIS...that process takes 30-60 days I am told...once I get the approval of that I will make my way back to Tallahassee on the long, boring drive and get the Secretary of State verification then submit to the courier in DC, and then that will be overnighted to my agency on the West Coast (that will hopefully be the last of that procedure!!) At that point, I will then be dossier to China)! After DTC, then we get LID logged in agency said once we are logged in we will travel within 5 or so months! SO MY TIMELINE HAS BEEN WAY OFF!!! I was thinking we would travel in March or April (which is less expensive to travel - May starts their busy season- busy equals $$$)...I was missing some steps on a couple of things that take a while...prayers please for a speedy, thorough process with NO DELAYS!!! Michael Stephen XueFa needs to be home and looking forward to him being able to do this!!! (Morgan praying on the soccer field!)
Don't bury your talents!
This past Sunday, our Gospel reading was Matthew 25:14-30 - the story of the talents...the way I see it - if I buried our story and didn't share with others the work that our Lord is doing, I would be like the one that received the one talent, buried it and did nothing. DO NOT BURY YOUR TALENTS - let them be a light in the world...if our story can help ONE person take their OWN leap of faith then putting it out there for others to see is what I wanted it to be, and I pray it is what God wants it to be!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The video that spoke to my heart...
This video is one of the first things I saw of our son...can you see his love? I can...Can you see his spirit? I can...Can you see his heart? I can...I know that God worked through so many people to get this video to me...This is from July 2008...three girls that were adopted many years ago came back to visit the orphanage where they came from...they were saying goodbye after a 2 week visit...each child gave them a picture and can probably pick out Michael Stephen XueFa, but he comes in at 2:22 and again at 3:21 and then is in the background...all these children are precious, they just may have something a little different...I pray that they have found their forever families, unfortunately the older they get, the less likely they are to be adopted...
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Sweet heart!
I love my Grandma, by Morgan, age 9, 10/27/11
We have a picture of my Grandma in our living room. It really means alot to me because I never got to see her in my life. It's really sad that she passed away. Even though I never got to see her in my life I still love her when I'm looking at the picture. I know that she was a really really special person because she was my mom's mom. If I even ever saw her I would give her hundreds and hundreds of hugs and kisses. She was a loving and caring person to my aunts and my mom. I love my grandma so so so so so so so so so much.
doesn't get much better than that!
We have a picture of my Grandma in our living room. It really means alot to me because I never got to see her in my life. It's really sad that she passed away. Even though I never got to see her in my life I still love her when I'm looking at the picture. I know that she was a really really special person because she was my mom's mom. If I even ever saw her I would give her hundreds and hundreds of hugs and kisses. She was a loving and caring person to my aunts and my mom. I love my grandma so so so so so so so so so much.
doesn't get much better than that!
Sunday School Lesson
This year we have a new curriculum and it is awesome! Each age level studies the same story in the Bible from toddlers up to adults. This week it was the Story of Abram Following God's Direction. I thought I would laugh myself to I still have a hard time believing this is really happening!!! Bible Point. "We can always Trust God."
Key Verse from Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." THAT'S A FACT!!! Doing God's will doesn't always mean things will be easy, BUT it does mean you have to trust Him...(BUT I have to say, thus far on our journey, things have been "crazy" straight!!)
So that is what our family is doing at the moment, and we strive to do each day...We know that this journey would NOT be possible without our trust in the Lord. (Did I mention that I don't like to fly!!)
Talk Topics: Discuss the big picture of God's directing your family by considering the questions: "What does God want us to do or be as a family?" or "What is God's plan for our family?"
Talk about people your family knows who seem to take risks in trusting God's plan for their lives.
Talk about God's history of faithfulness to your family. What has God promised you that he's delivered? (My list is endless...)
This is followed by Bible Verses and daily challenges which makes for interesting discussions with your children. This week was a great lesson since our children KNOW that we can not do any of this without God's help. Our prayers each day are that we do what He would have us do in all situations (I am sorry to say we certainly don't always do that)...We lean on Him, at times, we cling to Him, and in this whole big world of uncertainty, we are in awe that there is always one certain constant...our Lord and Savior, the Alpha and Omega, and He loves us forever and always...Thanks be to God!
Key Verse from Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." THAT'S A FACT!!! Doing God's will doesn't always mean things will be easy, BUT it does mean you have to trust Him...(BUT I have to say, thus far on our journey, things have been "crazy" straight!!)
So that is what our family is doing at the moment, and we strive to do each day...We know that this journey would NOT be possible without our trust in the Lord. (Did I mention that I don't like to fly!!)
Talk Topics: Discuss the big picture of God's directing your family by considering the questions: "What does God want us to do or be as a family?" or "What is God's plan for our family?"
Talk about people your family knows who seem to take risks in trusting God's plan for their lives.
Talk about God's history of faithfulness to your family. What has God promised you that he's delivered? (My list is endless...)
This is followed by Bible Verses and daily challenges which makes for interesting discussions with your children. This week was a great lesson since our children KNOW that we can not do any of this without God's help. Our prayers each day are that we do what He would have us do in all situations (I am sorry to say we certainly don't always do that)...We lean on Him, at times, we cling to Him, and in this whole big world of uncertainty, we are in awe that there is always one certain constant...our Lord and Savior, the Alpha and Omega, and He loves us forever and always...Thanks be to God!
All Saint's Day
Sunday, we celebrated "All Saint's Day" at our church. This is the day we remember all who have died in the name of our Lord. We light candles and one by one they are placed at the altar...What a beautiful sight to see!

This is another time that the flood gates open and I miss my mother so much...I missed her seeing so many things in my life, but I am thankful to KNOW I will see her again one day...How I do wish she could have met the "love of my life", that she could be here to see all her grandchildren grow into the wonderful people they are becoming, with God's help. I wish she was here to walk with us in this journey, I am sure she would be excited to be a part of this walk with God. She is here, in my heart and I am forever grateful that God chose her be my mother. I am so thankful that she instilled God in our lives. When she died in August of 1981, she was getting ready to teach a Sunday School class, with a lady that attends our church NOW. I love to meet people that knew her. They all have such kind words to say about her, and it was always apparent to all whom she met that she was a follower of Christ. THANKS MOM FOR EVERYTHING!!!
This is another time that the flood gates open and I miss my mother so much...I missed her seeing so many things in my life, but I am thankful to KNOW I will see her again one day...How I do wish she could have met the "love of my life", that she could be here to see all her grandchildren grow into the wonderful people they are becoming, with God's help. I wish she was here to walk with us in this journey, I am sure she would be excited to be a part of this walk with God. She is here, in my heart and I am forever grateful that God chose her be my mother. I am so thankful that she instilled God in our lives. When she died in August of 1981, she was getting ready to teach a Sunday School class, with a lady that attends our church NOW. I love to meet people that knew her. They all have such kind words to say about her, and it was always apparent to all whom she met that she was a follower of Christ. THANKS MOM FOR EVERYTHING!!!
Friday, November 4, 2011
While we wait, while he waits
This is one of my favorites! We will patiently wait, I pray Michael Stephen XueFa is patiently waiting for us...I pray that his acceptance to us comes naturally...I pray he is not scared, that he is excited, and I pray that he will come to know that it is through Christ that we came for him...Thanks be to God and to Him we give all the glory!
What's in a name?
Matt and I mulled over all the M names, AGAIN!! We never had a 4th M name for a boy...we searched the baby name sites and broke them down...and eventually came up with Michael, which is derived from the Hebrew question, "Who is like God?" The Archangel Michael is referred to later in the Bible in Daniel 12:1 "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people--everyone whose name is found written in the book--will be delivered."
Michael is considered a saint by the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. September 29th is the feast day of the three archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. (If you recall from an earlier post, September 29th holds special meaning for our family, Matt's dad's birthday is September 29th and Morgan was baptized on September 29th.
We knew Stephen would be his middle name...Steven with a v, was who he was always referred to on different advocating sites and also from his file that I received back in MARCH...Steven was who I always knew him to be, how I connected with him, through some amazing, Godly women and the internet...sometimes the Chinese children are given an American name if they are going to be adopted or are learning English...I asked if he was being called Steven, and they said he was not, but I couldn't shake that name, changed it to the "ph" version...Stephen is from the Greek word "στÎφανος", meaning "wreath, crown, honour, reward", literally "that which surrounds or encompasses". The name is significant to Christians: according to the Book of Acts in the New Testament, Saint Stephen was a deacon who was stoned to death and is regarded as the first Christian martyr.
Wu, XueFa, this is the name given by the orphanage...he didn't have a note attached to him as some abandoned children do...Wu, is for the city, and Xue is the middle name for children that came to the orphanage that month, and Fa "conveys their wish for him to research and innovate on his life road, become a useful person to the society." Upon our "Gotcha Day," (the day we receive him) the only things he will bring with him are the clothes on his back and items that we will send to him...wouldn't you agree that he should, at the very least, be able to keep his name...
I know that with God's help he can and will become all that he wants to be!! We are overjoyed beyond words to be given this gift of opportunity to show others the love of Jesus. "I want to walk as a child of the Light, I want to follow Jesus." AMEN!
Michael is considered a saint by the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. September 29th is the feast day of the three archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. (If you recall from an earlier post, September 29th holds special meaning for our family, Matt's dad's birthday is September 29th and Morgan was baptized on September 29th.
We knew Stephen would be his middle name...Steven with a v, was who he was always referred to on different advocating sites and also from his file that I received back in MARCH...Steven was who I always knew him to be, how I connected with him, through some amazing, Godly women and the internet...sometimes the Chinese children are given an American name if they are going to be adopted or are learning English...I asked if he was being called Steven, and they said he was not, but I couldn't shake that name, changed it to the "ph" version...Stephen is from the Greek word "στÎφανος", meaning "wreath, crown, honour, reward", literally "that which surrounds or encompasses". The name is significant to Christians: according to the Book of Acts in the New Testament, Saint Stephen was a deacon who was stoned to death and is regarded as the first Christian martyr.
Wu, XueFa, this is the name given by the orphanage...he didn't have a note attached to him as some abandoned children do...Wu, is for the city, and Xue is the middle name for children that came to the orphanage that month, and Fa "conveys their wish for him to research and innovate on his life road, become a useful person to the society." Upon our "Gotcha Day," (the day we receive him) the only things he will bring with him are the clothes on his back and items that we will send to him...wouldn't you agree that he should, at the very least, be able to keep his name...
I know that with God's help he can and will become all that he wants to be!! We are overjoyed beyond words to be given this gift of opportunity to show others the love of Jesus. "I want to walk as a child of the Light, I want to follow Jesus." AMEN!
New updated picture
We couldn't have been more excited to get this new picture of Michael Stephen XueFa!!! We can not wait to bring him home!!! We think he might be at the zoo!
a portion of the beginning...
One of the many things that God placed in my path so I could "hear" His call...
October 22nd - November 3rd
Oct. 22nd - 3 soccer games and our home study visit in the middle!! WOW!! Jamie came over at 11:30 and we went over our biographies together and then separate, that counts for 3 of the 4 visits. She said she would have it completed within a couple of weeks...
Oct 24th - we received an update about our son from China!!! "The child is going to the 2nd Grade with an average school performance. He is healthy. He loves sport and is interested in sports and games. He is not a picky eater. His most favorite toys are “Liu-liu Ball”. He speaks Mandarin."
Oct 28th - JAMIE EMAILED ME THE ROUGH DRAFT OF THE HOME STUDY!!! record time!! So, only a few typos, then she forwarded it to our agency in Seattle. She received an email Monday, the 31st, and it said they would get back to her within 72hours...UGH! Okay, wait on the Lord...I am familiar with the routine and since I know He is in charge that is fine by me...So I wasn't surprised when Jamie sent me an email on Tuesday evening and it said they only had one addition for the home study! Most agencies do NOT want a reference to religion, but they she needed us to send some information about that...So we did and she forwarded the home study to the main office and they will sign it and send me the notarized copies...once I get them I will be able to start the authentication process. I will drive to the state capital and have all my papers authenticated. Once that is completed I can forward to the courier service in Houston for the Chinese Consulate...THEN once that is done I send EVERYTHING to my agency and THEN they send the entire DOSSIER to CHINA (DTC) Then they log it in (LID), and then we do some more waiting!!! Then more paperwork and then more waiting...we will do this several more times BUT... I know God is fully aware that we are waiting here with OPEN ARMS and that Michael Stephen XueFa has been waiting so long, so I KNOW that He is taking care of all these details. He has put the right people in place for all that we need to tackle on this journey and we are still in such awe of what He has done and what He is doing through us. It is really hard to wrap my mind around it at times...I woke up every day the past 2 weeks at 4:30 OR 5 and I was in China!!
October 19th & 20th - adoption training...
Oct 19th and 20th - completed all my coursework online in regards to international adoption - "Conspicuous Families" which is about being a multi-cultural family. Our child is not an adopted child, WE ARE AN ADOPTIVE FAMILY.
"China - Language, Festivals and Traditions" - I learned about different festivals and traditions that I was unaware of, and plan to incorporate these into our family
"The Journey of Attachment," - this can prove to be a huge challenge for the entire family...By the time Michael Stephen XueFa comes to our family, this will be the 4th or 5th place he has lived. He has never had his own ANYTHING!!! From what I have read he is very adaptable, very kind and empathetic, "He knows how to treat people", BUT he has also been around people that speak his language and he can communicate with...we do not speak Mandarin, nor do we even look familiar with our white skin, our blond and brown hair, blue and green eyes...I pray and pray that he finds comfort within our family and that the Lord provides all that we ALL need for this life-altering transition.
"Finding the Missing Pieces: Helping Adopted Children Cope with Grief and Loss" The loss of his parents at around the age of 3...I am sure he remembers this because people usually remember traumatic events in our lives...Just imagine being 3 years old, turning around and your parents being gone, and then the police pick you up and take you to an orphanage...that is the story we have been given...that's it..I choose to believe that at that time it was becoming obvious to his parents that he was little or they realized that he was "different" and then they weren't sure they could provide for all of his needs, so they did what they thought was best for him...I can not imagine making that decision...I pray for his parents...that is what happens in China...they are not allowed to place their children for adoption, they must abandon them...I look at my 3 boys here, and think back when they were that age...I just cannot imagine that...He has lost so many things in his 9 years of life, he has seen caregivers come and go, children in the orphanage come and go, his foster family, his other foster family, and I pray we can give him all that he needs to cope with all that has happened. I love him so much and pray for protection of his heart...
"With Eyes Wide Open: A Preparation Guide to International Adoption" - another one about being a multi cultural family and preparing yourself and your family
We're Home! Now What! For Parents of Newly Adopted School Aged Children." - introducing your school aged child into a whole new world.
October 19th
Oct. 19th - Matt and Mary get their physicals. Our medical report had to be filled out and notarized. They had to wait for our HIV test results, so they filled it out on Friday. I was told the forms were ready Friday afternoon, but went on Monday to pick them up. They only had Matt's ready. Then I faxed the forms over to the doctor's office. I went on the 25th to pick up the forms and the notary was going to expire before the adoption would be completed so that wouldn't Thursday morning Matt dropped off the forms with letters attached of EXACTLY what needed to be done...I had 2 of each form and then I had a letter that needed to be signed as well, so a total of 6 papers to be signed and notarized...The lady called me at 9:45 and said they were ready...I got there at 11:35 and she gave me the file...ONLY 2 HAD BEEN SIGNED!!!! I expressed the issue and then she took the forms for the doctor to sign and then came back and said, the notary was there, but she was at lunch with the you need to get back to work??? I told her I could wait as long as I had to because I needed to get those forms in the FedEx TODAY. So I waited 30 minutes, not a big deal, I sat in the lobby and was laughing myself to pieces because everything had been so smooth, this was NOT a big deal AT ALL!! Since my retreat in early Oct. I have had a peace, I'm not sure I had had before, well maybe at times, just not all the's AWESOME!!! Not that all my days are perfect because they certainly aren't, but I am just thrilled to be where I am with my walk with Christ...
BTW, a FedEx overnight priority is $59 in case you wanted to know!! I haven't worked in 12 years but that is almost 3 times the amount I used to pay!!! I was in shocked...that was just to Seattle, I wonder what the premium will be when we send a care package to China!!!
October 5th-12th
Oct. 5th applied for boys passports, also got local background checks done for Matt and myself...have done this 3 times...1st one, notary signature got something spilled on it...second time notary was going to expire in March 2012...finally the 3rd time was a charm and I am so thankful..I was at the Sheriff's office and was able to share with these 2 workers what God has been up to in our family! This is another thing that I love about what is happening!! I get to share God with SO MANY PEOPLE!!!
Oct 6th - I went to Cursillo! Wasn't crazy about leaving my family, but the Holy Spirit was alive and well at this retreat and spoke volumes!! Each event over the weekend, was more and more confirmation that we are doing what He has called us to do...It made me even more thankful (I didn't know that was possible??!!) that we said "YES!!
Oct 11th - visit with our social worker for our home study! I knew from the moment we met, that I could relax and it was all going to be great!! She toured our house, spoke to both of us, gave us our instructions, and interviewed the boys. They were precious!! I had asked Mason the previous week what he would say to Jamie...He is a funny kid, and said, "I'll tell her I am excited to get my own bathroom!" We laughed and then he said, "seriously, I will tell her that this house needs more kids, and he needs a home, and it will be great for him and also for Morgan. It will be great for all of us." What a love! Those priceless moments when God is shining through your children! It really doesn't get any better than that!!
October 12th - Employment letters completed...I even had to have one for my $0 salary "Homemaker" job as wife, mother, chauffeur, landscaper, bookkeeper,chef, maid, school volunteer, home maintenance, plumber, electrician, nurse, nurturer, provider of love and protection and discipline...Did I leave anything out?
Our September timeline
Sept 19th - THANK YOU JESUS! We have preapproval from the CCCWA and are locked in!
Sept 20th - webinar for adopting the older child
Sept 26th confirmation of our home study agency - THANK YOU GOD FOR JAMIE!!
Sept. 29th This was a CRAZY day!! Matt took the day off since he was leaving for "Cursillo" that afternoon (a diocese -wide retreat that the men go one weekend and the women go the next - more about that later, although I can't say too much since I don't want to give away the "surprises" to those who have not had the opportunity to go!!)
We went and got fingerprinted for our home study then to the dept of health to get his birth certificate and marriage license...they sent us to Vital Statistics downtown since the certified copy has to have the State Registrar's signature on it so it can be verified through the Dept. of State...this is all part of the authentication process for our Dossier.
We then raced to the county courthouse where we live to apply for our passports...who knew they would be CLOSED for Rosh Hoshannah??!!! REALLY???!!! so I knew that the Mandarin (get the name??!!) post office also took passport applications.... We got there and lane 7 - passports was CLOSED!, plus the sign said you have to call and make an appointment!! Okay Lord, what is happening??!! I asked the nice lady in the next lane over if there was someone there that could process our applications and explained that we had been to the courthouse, blah, blah, blah...she asked the man in the back and he said, "It's you're lucky day!" I explained to him that luck had NOTHING to do with it and that God was shining upon us at that moment. We are doing His work and He wants to be sure that things run smoothly today...(my thoughts, not God's I can't say what He thinks, it was just my interpretation!!") So we got that filed and got home with time to spare before the boys got home from school!! Also picked up the forms to have signed and notarized so I can go to the courthouse and get the boys passports, just in case we can all make the trip!! Also mailed away for my birth certificate for certified copies with authentication (awesome that I sent to the vital stats office and they forward to the dept. of the commonwealth) It came back so I have my first document ready for the Chinese Consulate's verification and authentication!!! Yippee Skippy!!
Mission accomplished for Sept. 29th, which also happened to be Matt's late father's birthday (Happy Birthday Al, you were a good man and we miss you!!) and also the day that Morgan Elijah was baptized 9 years prior!! AWESOME!!!
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