Sept 20th - webinar for adopting the older child
Sept 26th confirmation of our home study agency - THANK YOU GOD FOR JAMIE!!
Sept. 29th This was a CRAZY day!! Matt took the day off since he was leaving for "Cursillo" that afternoon (a diocese -wide retreat that the men go one weekend and the women go the next - more about that later, although I can't say too much since I don't want to give away the "surprises" to those who have not had the opportunity to go!!)
We went and got fingerprinted for our home study then to the dept of health to get his birth certificate and marriage license...they sent us to Vital Statistics downtown since the certified copy has to have the State Registrar's signature on it so it can be verified through the Dept. of State...this is all part of the authentication process for our Dossier.
We then raced to the county courthouse where we live to apply for our passports...who knew they would be CLOSED for Rosh Hoshannah??!!! REALLY???!!! so I knew that the Mandarin (get the name??!!) post office also took passport applications.... We got there and lane 7 - passports was CLOSED!, plus the sign said you have to call and make an appointment!! Okay Lord, what is happening??!! I asked the nice lady in the next lane over if there was someone there that could process our applications and explained that we had been to the courthouse, blah, blah, blah...she asked the man in the back and he said, "It's you're lucky day!" I explained to him that luck had NOTHING to do with it and that God was shining upon us at that moment. We are doing His work and He wants to be sure that things run smoothly today...(my thoughts, not God's I can't say what He thinks, it was just my interpretation!!") So we got that filed and got home with time to spare before the boys got home from school!! Also picked up the forms to have signed and notarized so I can go to the courthouse and get the boys passports, just in case we can all make the trip!! Also mailed away for my birth certificate for certified copies with authentication (awesome that I sent to the vital stats office and they forward to the dept. of the commonwealth) It came back so I have my first document ready for the Chinese Consulate's verification and authentication!!! Yippee Skippy!!
Mission accomplished for Sept. 29th, which also happened to be Matt's late father's birthday (Happy Birthday Al, you were a good man and we miss you!!) and also the day that Morgan Elijah was baptized 9 years prior!! AWESOME!!!