Oct. 5th applied for boys passports, also got local background checks done for Matt and myself...have done this 3 times...1st one, notary signature got something spilled on it...second time notary was going to expire in March 2012...finally the 3rd time was a charm and I am so thankful..I was at the Sheriff's office and was able to share with these 2 workers what God has been up to in our family! This is another thing that I love about what is happening!! I get to share God with SO MANY PEOPLE!!!
Oct 6th - I went to Cursillo! Wasn't crazy about leaving my family, but the Holy Spirit was alive and well at this retreat and spoke volumes!! Each event over the weekend, was more and more confirmation that we are doing what He has called us to do...It made me even more thankful (I didn't know that was possible??!!) that we said "YES!!
Oct 11th - visit with our social worker for our home study! I knew from the moment we met, that I could relax and it was all going to be great!! She toured our house, spoke to both of us, gave us our instructions, and interviewed the boys. They were precious!! I had asked Mason the previous week what he would say to Jamie...He is a funny kid, and said, "I'll tell her I am excited to get my own bathroom!" We laughed and then he said, "seriously, I will tell her that this house needs more kids, and he needs a home, and it will be great for him and also for Morgan. It will be great for all of us." What a love! Those priceless moments when God is shining through your children! It really doesn't get any better than that!!
October 12th - Employment letters completed...I even had to have one for my $0 salary "Homemaker" job as wife, mother, chauffeur, landscaper, bookkeeper,chef, maid, school volunteer, home maintenance, plumber, electrician, nurse, nurturer, provider of love and protection and discipline...Did I leave anything out?