Again last night I was awake several times. I wanted to skype my family since it was daytime for them, but couldn't as I didn't want to wake the boys. They have peacefully slept each and every night. Thank you Jesus!! Sleep does wonders for the body and soul. I am thankful for the sleep I have gotten, but will love it when I can sleep in my own, most comfortable bed in the world on July 7th!! Actually, by the time I retreat to my bed it will be the 8th! As of today 9 MORE SLEEPS!! YIPPEE SKIPPY!!! We got up for the day at about 6:30 and I was able to talk to my sister Elizabeth (AKA Beedo to the nephews), my dad and Betty Lou (Bu to the grandchildren), and my love, (AKA Matt)!! It is so awesome to talk to everyone from teh otherside of the world. Truly I wasn't how the whole internet connection was going to work and happy I was able to plug in!! For others that are traveling here, you must have a VPN (virtual private network) installed on your computer before leaving the states. I used express VPN and it is $12.95 for the first month, and you can cancel once you return home with no problem so I have been told. Skype is free! I met another family from Belgium and they have no connection with their family and are quite homesick. Their little boy has attached to the daddy, but the momma knows the attachment to her will come. They are a sweet family.
Went down for another buffet..took pictures but deleted them by accident trying to make space on my camera for the orphanage visit. We had a casualty...we HAD another camera, but Mason and I have no idea what happened to it, and when we last saw it. We had not even used it! It wasn't too expensive but had another battery and a new memory card! UGH! Very disappointing, but nothing we can do about it...
Front of Wuhan Children's Welfare Institute (basketball court to the right)
Michael had said that he was too short to play basketball...we all know he can do anything all the other kids can do, it just may be in a different way! |
Today, we were visiting where Michael spent 2 years of his life (ages 3 to 5) until he went to live with his 1st of 2 foster families.
On our way in the taxi
The gate to the Wuhan Children's Social Welfare Institute |
Origami made by the children living at the institute |
Reception area |
We met with the director and the supervisor and also his teacher.
Teacher on left, supervisor, then director on the right (you know the rest of us!!) |
They shared that Wu, XueFa was 1 of the top in his class, very smart and kind and they wished him a happy life. Thanked us for adopting him. I was allowed to take pictures of the facilities but not of any of the children. We went in the various therapy rooms for the neurologically and physically impaired. The ratio was actually much better than I expected for care of these children, 1 caregiver to 3 children. The caregivers were very attentive. I wish I could have taken pictures so you are able to see what children have been left behind. I tried to hold it together, sweet little boy with Downs Syndrome, toddlers with Microcephaly, other needs I'm not sure what they were. I went in the room with many children that had obvious celebral palsy, and had smiles and lights in their eyes! They are well cared for in this facility, unlike many others I have heard of from others. They had a water therapy room. They have sponsorships from McDonald's and also a program called Half the Sky... check out the site!!
I looked at these children trying to imagine just going to a destination and placing my child there, and turning around a leaving...I can't imagine it, it is unimaginable...I choked back the tears several times...Once I entered the baby room and saw all these cribs, I couldn't take any more...I looked at these helpless gifts from God and just kept saying aloud, "how did they just walk way, I can't imagine leaving you. you are precious, oh Lord have mercy on these precious babies."2 little preemies...maybe 26-28 weeks...oh my Lord!!! Please protect them, please help their families find them, please, please, please...I talked to the guide about all these children in these cribs (maybe 30 ...what on earth??why??? We discussed back and forth...After speaking with her and the director, this is what was said...
In the past it was the pattern of only wanting a boy, so the girls would be that is still true to some degree (maybe a large degree, I do not know), but most of the children that are left are left because of a "special need" is more an economic situation...the parents can not give the child what they need, can not pay for therapies or surgeries so if they are abandoned they may be found and be taken to an institute and get what they need or possibly be placed with a forever family. Please join me in praying for the between
ONE HUNDERD FORTY THREE TO TWO HUNDRED TEN MILLION!!! It is number that is difficult to wrap around but try to remember them every day, and if you can contribute to a cause to help them, please do...if you want suggestions, I am happy to provide information, just let me know since
our Lord calls ALL of us as it says in James 1:27: “to look after
orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by
the world.”
When we were finished with the tour we were standing outside with the director, supervisor and teacher, talking and taking pictures... we turned around and there was Michael's foster family! My dear Lord in Heaven! He saw her and hugged her and cried his little baby eyes out! My heart broke into a million pieces. As I had wanted to meet her so I could see who took care of him for the past 2 1/2 years of his life, I was not prepared for this!!! THIS IS NOT SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN!! THEY DO NOT APPROVE OF FOSTER PARENTS MEETING THE ADOPTIVE PARENTS!! EVER!!! His foster mom comes to the orphanage everyday for therapies for the other children in her care, and I believe some of them are in the preschool located there as well. So there we were face to face, we are all crying even our guide. The foster mom wanted to go back to her home to gather some other things for Michael. The director approved for us to follow her, to her home, we had to promise no pictures, no email exchanges or anything. As I said, I was ill-prepared for this meeting and visit, but will be forever grateful for it! She was gracious and thankful to meet me and Mason. She felt so much better seeing part of his family. I told the guide to tell her that we love him and will give him a wonderful life! I am able to send updates and pictures to the orphanage and they will give the information to her. That is the least I can do for all that she has done for our son. She gave him so much love and cared for him in the best way possible living in such conditions that they lived in.
with his foster family, Michael was the oldest and care for his younger siblings |

After seeing in person where he has lived, I believe he is going to be more overwhelmed than I anticipated since he has been adjusting so well to us at this point. His apartment consisted of a kitchen with a refrigerator, smaller than an apartment refrigerator. a small kitchen table to seat 4 people (there were 6 or 7 in the family). no stove or oven to speak of, a rice cooker and a wok, the bedroom had 4 little "beds" all twin size or smaller that were on wood with a bamboo type layer with a sheet on top, no mattress, no mattress pad, they all had sheets and blankets, I didn't notice the pillows...I was overwhelmed trying to take it all in since I could not take any photos. The main room did have an old large, very heavy tv, maybe a 27". His foster mom was an elementary school teacher and she had some lessons on the wall with the English vowels listed and sounds. I did not see where the parents sleep or the bathroom, but it is basically 4 small rooms with a small entry area where their shoes are kept. She kept a tidy home and she was as sweet as she could be. I didn't know that I was going to be seeing her therefore I had no "gift." I talked to the guide about that and she expressed maybe donating some money. That is a little awkward, but I certainly would want to give her something to show my appreciation for caring for him for the past 2 1/2 years! She refused, and the guide was telling her to accept it! She didn't want anything for herself! She only wants for her children! I told the guide she was a true momma because she only thought of them! After a little time past she finally accepted it, and I told her that he would have a wonderful life. The oldest girl was sobbing uncontrolably with Michael leaving. Michael was crying and his foster mom told him to be strong and it was okay and to go with me. She and I hugged several times reassuring each other all would be well. One of the most emotional times of my life!!! Mason was also affected by everything we saw and also shed tears with us. He tries so hard not to cry! I have tried to talk with him a little, but he is not ready to share. His heart was in pieces as well. I'm sure he will share his feelings when he is able. Pray for his heart as well, as I know this whole trip is life-changing for him too!!
We went down the stairs, (4th floor) but before we started to walk down the street to his school we stopped so I could take a couple of photos of his apartment building.
Michael's home for the past 2.5 years (the one with the plants on the patio) |
Standing outside the gate at his school |
... then we walked his route to school
He walked to school everyday was a bit of a trek but he is so confident! Crazy, I don't even let my kids go down the street! It is very safe here and I have not had any uneasy feelings, with the exception of my arrival. That can also be attributed to exhaustion!!
The priciple saw him and came to say goodbye, they were all sad to see him leave, but happy he will have a good life! |
We needed some comfort food for Michael after all this so it was off to the Chinese fast food restaurant across from the hotel....
Chinese fast food across the street, had to try it! The chicken curry was different than what I am used to but was okay. Michael thought it was a little spicy!! |
A day complete with a McFlurry! |
They have been watching tv since we got back after lunch, and we are thinking about going to the pool. We haven't been yet, and we have nothing else scheduled with the exception of Michelle delivering all the notarized papers to me (that is a bit important so we can leave tomorrow afternoon!!) Michael is resilient and is going to thrive!!! Thanks be to God!!!
Stay tuned for more news from China!! Next post may be coming from Guangzhou!