Our adoption journey

This is our journey to adopt our son who has Achondroplasia, the most common form of short stature/dwarfism and lives a half a world away. He has been waiting so long and we are unbelievably humbled to answer God's call. "Here we are Lord! Please lead the way."
John 14:18 "I will not abandon you as orphans, I will come to you."

Monday, June 25, 2012

Change of plans, but it's all good!

Five hours of sleep!! I can survive on that!!  I remember when my little babies would first get a five hour stretch of sleep I felt like a different person!!!  So, busy morning so far...the sun gets up earlier here!! I woke up first at 4, and went back to sleep! THANK YOU JESUS!! The blinds were a bit open so I saw the light from the sun through the SMOG at 5:30. When I saw the time on my watch I was a little delirious and thought it may be 6:30. I decided if I went back to sleep, I would probably not up! I got up checked the computer and Matt was on so we finally got to Skype again!! My daddy and step-mom called him while we were skyping so he put them on speaker and got to chat with them too!!  That was awesome!! Mason and I got ready for the day and went down for an interesting breakfast. The spread was beautiful, the food was "okay." Spring rolls in the morning is a bit different, only fried eggs available...lots of different Chinese foods, Mason and I went for SEVERAL croissants...Haven't found a Starbucks but will survive with Coke until Guangzhou.

I have to say I am so grateful for Mason being here with me!! He has been so helpful and sweet!!! I mean SWEET!!  Any tears he said he would be "like white on rice" with me!  This is an incredible experience for both of us and I know it makes us even MORE thankful for HOME!!!

Our guide met us this morning @ 8am in the lobby and off to the Civil Affairs office we went. I filled out and signed some documents.  I had to write, with my chicken scratch penmanship my reason for adopting.

I had to keep it simple with we were expanding our family. I could write a book about why we are adopting him, maybe I will one day...I promised to never abandon or abuse him. I promised to give him a wonderful life! I am thankful I have a village surrounding all of us to help with that promise. I had many emotions last night in my exhaustion, today I am refreshed because I had a little sleep and have been covered in so many prayers...thank you so much for all of them!! I have felt each and every one!

The change of plans, Michael was not there this morning to come back with us.  We are heading back to the Civil Affairs office this afternoon at 2:30, to meet him at 3!  We are excited to say the least!

We came back to the hotel dropped of some of our things and then head to a local market to pick up some bottled water, cokes and a few snacks. Most everything is in Chinese so we are thankful to have Michelle assisting.  There are illegal taxis that were trying to get us to use them and she said no. Of course we had no idea, and don't know the laws since apparently it isn't against the law to DRIVE YOUR CAR ON THE SIDEWALK OR EVEN DRIVE YOUR SCOOTER THE WRONG WAY DOWN THE STREET! Every man, woman, child for themselves!!  It is quite comical. It's civil since they don't seem to have road rage.  We would have had several shootings I'm sure with the driving I have witnessed! She said everyone knows how to drive this way and it's not a big deal. I would not drive here, as I love my bubble of CR210!!!

Heading soon to the hospital! Note the picture!!

Not really, heading back to the Civil Affairs in a bit, and then one more trip there tomorrow! Hope to see the Yellow crane tower tomorrow or Wed as well as a few other sites, before we head to Guangzhou on Friday afternoon!

This is the last week of school for students here in Wuhan, summer vacation will start next week!

Hoping and praying we are able to make an appointment to visit the orphanage this week.  I think it will be helpful for all of us.  Foster family visits in this area are prohibited so it is doubtful that I will be able to meet them. We shall see.
Thank you again for all the prayers and thanks for continuing to pray for all of us!!
Just about 2 more hours and Michael will be with us!! God's peace to everyone!