Can I just say...this is NOT normal!!!! My guide is BLOWN away with Michael's transition and acceptance of me and Mason!! Honestly, I had a GREAT feeling that he would be like this, BUT I also knew it could go WAY SOUTH!!!! So incredibly thankful it did not! God is good all the time!!!
Michael and Mason went to sleep about 9pm last night after we skyped with Matt, Morgan, Maddox, Jane, my dad and stepmom. It was awesome to see the reactions and everyone meeting for the first time!! As I said before Michael came to me with a sword, so Morgan went to his room and brought one of his out...They had a skype sword fight and laughed themselves silly! It was beyond words!!! I believe everyone is going to be great once we get home, plus we will have an even number of boys in the house (not including Matt in the count!!) so I think that is even better!! My sister Elizabeth always said if you are going to have 3, you should have 4. I agree!! She was not able to have anymore biological children and neither was I.
This morning we got up leisurely as we didn't have to be out front until 9:30. I skyped with Matt & the boys and my dad and stepmom, jane, elizabeth and also my friend Lauren with her daughter Betty. Betty was able to tell him his new name!! He said he liked it!! Michael is responding so well to all the changes.
We went to the breakfast buffet and he had a feast!!! We all got a lot of food since we weren't sure when we would eat again, besides snacks... I will be glad when I an able to grab some really good JAVA!!! We met another family here that is from Canada and they adopted a 16 month old. She is precious and had a good night. They have a 3.5 year old Chinese daughter and an 8 year old bio boy. We will see them again at some point. Another family got their 2 year old daughter and are having a better day today than yesterday, but had a rough night. She was in foster care for 2 years and was crying for her momma. Heart breaking for the new momma to see her daughter so sad...
We were able to skype my sister Elizabeth this morning! I tried Anne last night before bed, but wasn't able to get her...hoping I can reach her tonight!!
We left for the Civil Affairs office at 9:30 and finalized the papers. Interviewed by the official and answered the questions about why were adopting, how will we educate him, fingerprint signature and family photo, just me and Michael. We stayed there for awhile, while Michelle went to run some papers for us then we left and head to lunch at the Aloha Diner! I was told by my friend Kim in Charleston that I could not leave here without going there for some comfort food! I wish had ordered more and brought it back to the hotel!!! Michele our guide wasn't crazy about it because it is Western foodl. The family is from Hawaii and it is in an area with French influence. It was raining so we had lunch and went for a tazi. I was really hoping to walk around a bit, but it wasn't an option today. We came back to the hotel and have been her ever since. It is now 5:15 and I am slowly fading. the boys are watching Kungfu Panda and laughing A LOT!! They have thrown the football and have built a small Lego airplane.
I didn't mention this before, but am now since it is one of the most incredible events so far!!! Upon our meeting yesterday, I saw that Michael had a red string around his neck with a BUDDHA!!!My dear Lord in Heaven, it almost knocked me off my feet. I was afraid of this!! I had heard that most of the people in China had NO RELIGION, so I was praying for that with him since I thought that would be an easier thing to deal with, than against something people had already told him. I had seen pictures of him previously where he had a RED DOT on his forehead! UGH! It was when he was younger and he didn't have it in recent pictures so I really wasn't overly concerned...I prayed over this necklace and how I would remove it and any thoughts on Buddha being his god...When we went for his passport pictures yesterday, they were sure NOT to get it in the picture, and he suggested CUT IT! It was not able to be done. When we talked to Betty this morning we were going to have her ask him about it, but then he was having a time hearing on the computer and so we decided to leave it alone for now. During playtime at the Civil Affairs office, I was trying make sure it wasn't in any photos. He said CUT with hand motions of cutting. I wasn't sure and asked again and he had a very strong nodding of YES! I asked Michelle to get me a pair of scissors. I was able to tell the lady, Barbara from Canada a brief reader's digest version of our story to Michael and how everythiing has fallen into place and that he was meant to be with us now. I was ab;e to tell her that I prayed over that necklace and then he asked for it to be removed!!! GOD IS GOOD!!! I didn't want to "take" anything from him, so he did it on his own, with God's help!! Some tears were shed over this one!!!
I got to see the VBS video that Matt produced while in the midst of me leaving for China. I showed it to Michael just a bit ago. I had Mason type on the translator that all those people love him and can't wait to meet him. He said ok!
We reviewed flash cards of letters today, and started working on items and colors. He is super smart!!! I have to take a break as I am about to drop my head flat on this keyboard!!
Enjoy the new pictures!!
God's Peace to everyone!
looking out the hotel window. smog and also windows are very dirty from the smog |
Cheers! First breakfast with his older brother! Apple juice all around! |
He is a VERY good eater! Not picky, will transition well into an American diet! He is ready for his citizenship on July 7th in Chicago! |
Breakfast with Mommy! What a smile!! |
Is he a charmer with his hand on his hip?? Very confident, just like Morgan! He seems comfortable in his skin. I'm sure his foster parents helped with that!! |
Last visit to the Civil Affairs office |
The children's playroom, he enjoyed all the activities! |
Fingerprint ink for Mommy, Handrprint ink for Michael |
Fingerprint over my signature for official adoption papers
Taking his big brother's hand to lead him to the diner |
Ready for Lunch! |
He ordered Ham and cheese sandwich, ready for America! |
watching the fish at the Aloha Diner |
Strawberry milkshake anyone?? |
Ready to head back to the hotel for some R&R |