Our adoption journey

This is our journey to adopt our son who has Achondroplasia, the most common form of short stature/dwarfism and lives a half a world away. He has been waiting so long and we are unbelievably humbled to answer God's call. "Here we are Lord! Please lead the way."
John 14:18 "I will not abandon you as orphans, I will come to you."

Monday, July 2, 2012

7/2 - medical follow up and zoo!

This morning, yes, you guessed it! Another enormous breakfast buffet!! I pray Michael is okay when we have our first breakfast at home and he doesn't find table after table of all theses desirable foods!!  I do make lots of different things for breakfast just not on the same morning!! I know he will be fine!  He is just a happy boy and so easy going. People talk about the "honeymoon period" and that once home it is so different, the children during this time are trying to please and make a good impression...It will be different at home in many ways, but I truly believe this is him.  The four boys are going to mold well together. Watching them on Skype is just hilarious. I love how Morgan and Maddox are so animated with him.  He looks at them and says their names, and he has also met the silly dogs too!  I can't wait to be home and just be...once the excitement of things calms down, and life gets into our new "normal." The 2 weeks after we get home is swim practice and our Championship swim meet.  After that, there is NOTHING scheduled. We just have to get the boys to complete their summer reading projects, which Mason may be able to draft on the flight home, since he is almost done with his book now. Morgan is almost done reading his as well. Maddox just needs to read and document what he has read.  He has optional reading response sheets that we will work on once I get home.
Matt has been so busy playing mommy and daddy!  I scheduled to have the boys have time with friends and that has been a wonderful distraction for them.  I know Matt and I both are looking forward to my first week home just being us!!   I know the jet lag is going to make us a little off, but we will figure it out.
The boys and I went into the waterfall/garden area again after breakfast. The pictures don't really do it justice, as I don't have a fancy camera...(btw, we did find the other camera!!)

After a quick visit to the room, we met downstairs and headed to the van for the follow up medical appointment.  All the children had to have their skin test read.  Michael had a chest xray and it was CLEAR!! Many prayers had been lifted up on his behalf. Thank you Jesus for more answered prayers!!!

Next stop, the Guangzhou Zoo.  If you know me well, you know that this is one of my least favorite things in the world!! I do love to see the animals, but it always breaks my heart to see them in a very "unnatural environment." They can say all they want that they are treated well, blah, blah, blah, but the truth is, they were not meant to be caged, period! When we saw the place where some of the monkeys had lots of room to roam, and then the lions had NO ROOM, I just didn't get it. They paced back and forth...so sad...I always tell them how sorry I am that we are staring at them and taking their pictures...sigh...

I am sorry to say though that we did enjoy feeding the giraffes!!

Being a big brother to Liv, an older sister in our travel group

After the zoo, we went to Pizza Hut...more greasy food...I'm going to have to change my physical to to the fall...my bloodwork will not be looking good after this trip!!!
We had bought a small soccer ball yesterday at the trust mart...Mason and Michael decided it would be fun to play IN the room...they were relatively careful and it showed me that Michael has some fancy footwork!  He is going to have so much fun on Morgan's team!!!One of our favorite soccer families is going to still be with us as well! They are so excited to meet Michael and I can't wait for him to meet them!
A little pool time this afternoon as well...We really need to get the lessons!  He is fine, but can't figure out how to stay afloat.  His head takes over and he goes backwards.  His head is heavier just like Morgan's and anyone with Achondroplasia...He loves the pool too so I know it is not going to take him long once he understands the concept...We will have him on swim team next year!! and basketball! Watching all these firsts and having the encouragement from others is going to be so exciting!!!  Tomorrow a couple of tours, can't remember what they are but will post tomorrow night!
Lights out!