Our adoption journey

This is our journey to adopt our son who has Achondroplasia, the most common form of short stature/dwarfism and lives a half a world away. He has been waiting so long and we are unbelievably humbled to answer God's call. "Here we are Lord! Please lead the way."
John 14:18 "I will not abandon you as orphans, I will come to you."

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

7/3 tours and more firsts (I think?!)

Large breakfast anyone??!! Jiminy Christmas!! My body is going to go in shock without the abundance of food in the morning when we return home!!  Michael is very good about 1 plate only, but does get loaded!  He loves the apple juice, which is not at home.  Milk and water is always offered and sometimes we have orange juice…His appetite is very similar to Morgan’s, so I am convinced it is an Achondroplasia thing!!  They also seem to burn more calories since everything they do, takes more effort, more steps.  They figure everything out, and rarely ask for help.  Michael is so independent!  I love his confidence and his willingness to ask if he has questions.  He is very genuine. He is very caring. He thought I left my backpack somewhere and was looking for it.  I have 2 boys taking care of me here! It is awesome, so now when I return home I will have 5! I have to admit, I love that I get to remain the queen of the house!! 

After breakfast we went to the Buddhist Temple.   I wasn’t kicking and screaming not to go but honestly had no real interest in being there. I know it is their culture, but I do have a problem with the praying to a god/statue that is not THE GOD!! I really can’t apologize for it either…I tried to look at it as an architectural view. Mason was very uncomfortable and he was concerned that it would confuse Michael since he was first exposed to Jesus just 2 days ago.  He wants to make sure that he accepts Jesus into his heart. You got to love that!! 
Once we left the temple we went to a park. I don’t even know the official name of it, but the sign said

We walked around a bit and watched people playing games and exercising. Elsie said that most families have both parents working so you will usually see children with their grandparents at parks during the day…I suppose it is to wear them out so they will take a good nap!!  There was another playground where Michael and Mason played on various structures. Off in another area there were rides, for 5 or 6 yuan a piece... They rode a little caterpillar roller coaster, bumper cars and also a flying swing. Michael had no interest in going on the bigger one; I asked and got a wave of the hand and a “no!” 

We met the others in our group and headed back to the hotel.  We decided to take a taxi to Shamian Island and have lunch and do a little shopping. Lunch was less than desirable, but we were hungry so we ate what we ordered.  It was the worse meal so far. We took pictures with the bronze statues although I missed the one in particular that I really wanted.  I’m sure we were probably right by it at some point, but must have gone in a different direction.  It’s okay, I got some cute shots anyway.

We found out that Michael is afraid of dogs! That is going to be a problem since we have 2 and they are going to be all over him!! Really?? That was one of the first questions he had for us in Wuhan…He didn’t mention he was afraid, he seemed excited. These were little fluffy puppies…he didn’t scream or anything, he just backed his little cute self into a corner! It was actually rather funny, but he didn’t think so!
This afternoon we had a casualty…Michael’s sunglasses. He didn’t realize it until we were in the taxi on our way back to the hotel. He said, “Mommy!” and pointed to my glasses and then put his hands up. I looked in my bag and they weren’t there. I remembered he must have put them down on a counter in a store when he was playing with a toy…oh my heart broke…I told him we would get another pair (via the electronic translator) and asked him if he was okay. He shook his head, no.  His foster mother gave him those glasses…another pair won’t do…I typed in that I was so sorry, and a tear fell from my eye. He leaned over Mason to reach me and give me a hug. This child who just lost something irreplaceable is consoling me because I feel bad for him!! What a heart!! Oh my goodness, he has Jesus in there, he just doesn’t know it yet!! But he will!!  Can’t wait for all of that to unfold!!

Back at the hotel now, they are watching a little TV before turning in for the night.  Tomorrow we are going to folk art place, and the jade market with our group, something to do and pass the time…I have to admit, I am trying very hard to be “into” this trip, but I am growing very tired of being here…I am trying unbelievably hard to be a good sport. I am HONESTLY OVER IT!!! There I said it, I may regret it, but I have to get it out, and then I can move on…I love the fact and am so grateful that Mason and Michael are so easy, BUT I MISS MATT AND MORGAN AND MADDOX TO PIECES!! I am thankful for Skype but the hugs through the internet are not cutting it at this point!! I am sitting here at the same desk I have sat at for the past 5 days and have tears streaming down my face because I just want to be home!! There is no place in the world like it!!! I am not being a baby!! I want my husband’s touch and arms around me and my babies to give me a smooch! I need it!! One of the videos I had ordered from Show Hope for this adoption was about “Healthy Touch.” It discusses how much we as humans NEED touch. It is vital for our development and well-being! I already knew this, but now am living it!!  I’m sorry if I sound like I am whining…maybe I am, okay I am. It is okay, I am just being real.  I know I am close to leaving, 3 more sleeps after tonight!!  I WILL enjoy the rest of my trip with Mason and Michael.  I am really just having a moment…I could hit the backspace button and delete this, but I’m not.  Sorry, this is me, and I cannot pretend these are not real feelings.  (thankful that I have God on my side!!) Matt and I don’t spend this kind of time apart from one another, EVER! He doesn’t travel for work, THANK YOU GOD, and neither one of us sleeps well without the other.  He is doing a great job of keeping it together at home AND WORK, but I know this has been as hard for him as it has for me, maybe even harder, in a different way.  I am so thankful that we have had people step up to help “be our village” in my absence. I know I have had peace knowing that my babies are being cared for and fed by our friends.  I know the boys have thoroughly enjoyed being at different houses and getting to play with their friends more than usual.  I am thankful for Madison donating babysitting time!! I am feeling better now after writing some of the many blessings along the way!!! There really are too many to count!!!
On that note, I am going to go pray with my two oldest sons, and get them to turn the lights out!  (They are doing shadow puppets and laughing VERY HARD!!)
Blessings to all! (sorry I was a whiney baby!! I’m over it now!!)